Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: Documentation for DNA Matches

Didn't intend to contradict your method, just sharing what the party line from MacKiev was. Correct, nothing new. The recent update of Charting Companion, the DNA version looks promising, but more complicated than I've found time to learn.

Re: Documentation for DNA Matches

"what information are others using to PERMANENTLY document DNA matches"

I hadn't given any thought about PERMANENTLY recording DNA match info until Keith mentioned it. Since then, I've given it some thought and have decided to include something like what I do for DNA match notes. If the person is in my family tree, I list the Person ID along with the path and relationship. If the person is not in my family tree, I list a truncated Person ID and then a complete path and relationship (if possible). This method can be used in a source citation/reference note, or as a text string in a document. The .jpg shows a typical DNA match note for a person in my family tree.

Re: Documentation for DNA Matches

After my original post I have modified what I will keeping for permanent documentation.

----Common Ancestors,
--------Child in the Family the match was through, ie Match line, Common Ancestor, my line
------------User name of owner of DNA
----------------Actual relationship.
----------------DNA information (centimorgan count/segment count)
----------------URL to the family tree.

The data in Actual relationship maybe (ie 4ht cousin 3X) or "Insuficient Data". I am using "Insufficient data" when there is not a direct match in their tree to the common ancestor, BUT the oldest generation from their tree matches a person in my tree.

Example In my tree I documented that Mary Doe is the granddaughter of John Doe, but the oldest generation in the match's tree is Mary Doe then I mark the Actual Relationship as Insufficient Data, even though I am confident that Mary Doe in their tree is the same Mary Doe in my tree. The rational is the there may be two Mary Does with similar statistics.

I was unaware of the "number used when activating the DNA test". I assume this is the number Ancestry assigns to the sample that I submitted. If so I don't see the relevance to reviewing the match data 40 years in the future. If this is a number permanently assigned to my DNA information and Maintained by some government or other semi official group; I find this scary and wish I had never submitted the sample.

If it is the number of the sample submitted by the person of the match by Ancestry and maintained by Ancestry, it would be good information to documentation of the match as long as Ancestry existed. However if the government or similar group the sample number; see previous paragraph.

In the data I have collected so far, I have noticed that the Ancestry estimate of the relationship is consistently great than the actual relationship. Example if the Ancestry estimate is 5th to 8th cousins, the actual relationship will be the 4th cousin.

I have also noted that if there is an X removed cousin the relationship will be more inline with the Ancestry estimate. It in the above example if the actual relationship is 4 th cousin twice removed, it more in likely matches the Ancestry Estimate 5th to 8th cousin. I just spent the afternoon collecting the data, so I don't know if in the cases where the actual relationship is less that the actual actually was an X removed relationship.

Re: Family Tree Maker 2014 --updated new patch and now clicking the icon or the backup nothing opens up!

Re: Family Tree Maker 2014 --updated new patch and now clicking the icon or the backup nothing opens up!

I am having the same problem. I clicked on the update. Now FTM is in a repeating cycle of "Did not close properly" and "Install Update" popup boxes.

Progress !!

If I set the FTM printer (amyuni) as my default system printer (rather than my HP printer) then the reports are generated on the screen without a crash. Only problem is fugurung out how to get what I see out to the printer

Re: Vista FTM 2008; HELP!!!

why would I continue to support a company which has sold me a lemon?

Re: Vista FTM 2008; Using reports or charts causes crash

sure do have a default printer in place and working on other programmes. HP 1350 all in one

Re: Vista FTM 2008; Using reports or charts causes crash

Administrator on not doesnt matter and I dont get a debug report

Re: Vista FTM 2008; Using reports or charts causes crash

Re: Vista FTM 2008; Using reports or charts causes crash

Still no solution. I sent them my error log to see if they can decipher it. Nobody answered...

Re: Vista FTM 2008; Using reports or charts causes crash

Its a first time installation and it doesnt matter whether I run it as administrator or not

Vista FTM 2008; Using reports or charts causes crash

If I try to use the report function to prepare any of the chart formats available after sp 2 the program dies instantly. Very annoying.

How do I download my family tree?

OK, so I know how to download my family tree, but the issue is that I have the paid subscription (or at least trial for now), but the "family" family tree is owned by my daughter. I have been granted editor access. How do I download the tree to Family Tree Maker 2017? I was able to do it successfully if I log into her account, but then I don't have access to the ancestry hints because she doesn't have a paid membership.

Re: How do I download my family tree?

Only the tree creator has the ability to download the tree and sync with FTM.

Re: How do I download my family tree?

Since you have access through your daughters account, log in her account.
Download the tree.
Once you have checked out the tree in FTM, go to the Plan tab
Select the down loaded tree in the listing along the left side of the screen
Now, click the down arrow to right of the Sync Now, select Unlink Tree.

Log out of your daughters account and log into your account.
Tree is no longer linked to your daughter and you can now sync it as a tree for you.

Re: Unable to download Ancestry tree into FTM 2017

I would be interested to know if you resolve this issue, as I spent the entire afternoon yesterday on Live Chat trying to sort out the exact same problem after 4 days of trying to upload trees of varying sizes to Ancestry to sync for the first time.

Re: Unable to download Ancestry tree into FTM 2017

I am still working with Mackiev to find a solution. They are claiming it is a server side issue with Ancestry. Still no resolution, but they have forwarded it to the engineers.

Individual Facts Out of Date Order

Individual Facts in Family Tree Maker are suddenly out of date order and I am unable to get them back into date order. This disarrangement of Individual Facts is throughout the program and happened all at once about 4 days ago. Additionally, some of Personal Facts have the Sex first and the Name second. I am also unable to get these reversed so that the Name is first. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Re: Individual Facts Out of Date Order

It appears you accidentally clicked the column header. What you describe is what happens when you click the column header Date. This "re-order" stays if you change to a different person. Just click the Date header one more time and all should return to as it was.

Happy New Year!
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