Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: Request for ideas on using PROPERTY fact for property owned by spouses

As I understand English Common Law which is the basis for most land laws in the US, A husband can buy property on his own, but to sell the property he must have his wife's approval.

I have seen this on deeds from 1811 in New York state into the Mid west in the 1860's. (While it is not obvious, all of the homes I have sold, the wife signs off on the deal.) I have seen some deeds where it states the wife was taken into a separate room to get this approval. (So much for the feminist line the women of the past had no rights.)

From a genealogy prospective this comes in quite handy as, if the the couple has moved away, both the husband and his wife's names appear in the deed, and it gives the their location as they must go before the court in their current location to give this approval

Today there is another thing that affects this. Some of the states are community property states. This means what ever the husband owns the wife owns also and visa versa.

So the property fact correctly should appear for both husband and wife. However because of what I stated above I just put it with the husband on the understanding it belongs to the wife also.

Re: Request for ideas on using PROPERTY fact for property owned by spouses

I do know that for some colonies/states, from about 1600-1860, only free white men over the age of 21 could buy land, and this mostly applied to owning land as well. Free white women over the age of 21 could own land if it was bequeathed or dowered to them. Therefore, only a husband who met the requirements could buy land - not the wife. Thus the one signature for the purchase of a parcel of land.

It is also my understanding the wife did not co-own the land purchased by the husband. However, she did have a claim to the land should the husband try to sell the land or if he died. One way this was done was through a dower. If the husband died, the wife was entitled to a certain percentage of the land. If the husband was selling the land, the dower functioned somewhat like a lien, and needed to be removed by the wife in order to sell the land. In the above example where Amos and Elizabeth are selling the 40 acres, there is an addendum to the deed where Elizabeth relinquishes her right of dower. Thus by signing the deed, of which the addendum is part of, Elizabeth is an active participant in the sale of the land.

Re: Sync Issues yesterday and today?

I have not been able to sync on 1/12 or 1/13. Running FTM 2012 on Win7Pro. T have never had a problem before.

Re: How to run a data error report in 2012

How to run a data error report in 2012

Where is the command to run a data error report in FTM 2012? The Help file doesn't say how to run it, and it does not appear in publish>reports.


ignore ALL hints for ONE person in 2012

I'm not interested in the ancestry of my grandma's step cousin's husband. How do I tell FTM 2012 or ancestry to not display any hints for him?

2012 doesn't sync hint resolution

I went through AtM and accepted or ignored every single freaking hint, then it synched, but all the hints still show on FTM. What is the trick?

Re: Uploading attached media in FTM 2010

They are not on the online tree. It should have taken longer that 20 minutes to upload the media with the tree. I'll try a dummy tree like you said. Good idea, thanks.

Uploading attached media in FTM 2010

When I use the Share>Upload to Ancestry function in FTM 2010, not one media item transfers with it. What am I doing wrong? My FTM tree has attached scans of death/birth/marriage certificates, photos, and digital copies of census records.

Pleeeeeeeeez don't tell me I have to do each one seperately via Ancestry!

Re: FTM 2010 Data Error Report

FTM 2010 Data Error Report

Where is the Data Error Report function in 2010?

Re: Best Practices - Birth weight, length, etc.

Re: Best Practices - Birth weight, length, etc.

Here are some low budget ideas that are probably not any better than what you are already doing:

1. Add the birth certificate or other media item to the Birth Fact, and in the description field tell the reader to see the media item for birth details.

2. Create a custom fact for birth weight, birth length, etc.

3. Instead of individual birth facts, create a custom fact for overall birth information.

4. Use the Birth Fact Notes .

In my opinion, "best practices" warrant sourcing the Birth fact. Since you are a devotee of Evidence Explained, as I am, I refer you to pp. 105, 138, 139, 425 of the third edition.

Edit: added item number 4.

Re: Unable to download Ancestry tree into FTM 2017

goto https://support.mackiev.com/ and search for "Live Chat". Then contact MacKiev directly via their FTM 2017 Chat support service. They will assist in troubleshooting your connection issue.


Is there a way to a list of hints rather than having to look at each individual

Documentation for DNA Matches

I had my DNA tested this summer and have quite a few matches. I have been documenting each match in a WordPerfect document. (It is also marked in the FTM database with less detail) The document is in an outline form,
Family Surname
----Common Ancestors,
--------Child in the Family the match was through, ie Match line, Common Ancestor, my line
------------User name of owner of DNA
----------------URL to the family tree.

Since Users and URL are fleeting, what information are others using to PERMANENTLY document DNA matches.

PS: I have ALL of the original document images saved to my computer as PDF documents, or, if document is unavailable, put the transcription in the FTM notes. I have NO URL's in my database

Re: Documentation for DNA Matches

I've only been casually working on how best to document DNA matches, and I've tentatively decided to use methods described in Evidence Explained, by Elizabeth Shown Mills.

In FTM, there is predefined fact named "DNA Markers" that can be used, as well as a custom source template named "Genetic Testing", in which you simply fill in the requisite information. The hard part is trying to construct a Reference Note that is meaningful. Keep in mind the Citation Detail becomes part of the Reference Note unless you edit the note. You can use the Citation Text to list some of the info, and this can be added to the Reference Note.

In an example in E.E., the Reference Note identifies for whom the DNA results belong to; predicts the relationship "3rd-4th cousin"; identifies the DNA match User "ABCDE"; lists the confidence level of 98%, and mentions the User tree being undocumented. I'm not sure this is a PERMANENT way to document DNA matches, but it is a more formal way. In my opinion, it's a lot of words saying almost nothing.

Re: Documentation for DNA Matches

Re: Documentation for DNA Matches

That is exactly what I said.

P.S. It's nothing new. Both the fact and source template have been around since at least FTM 2012.

Re: Documentation for DNA Matches

In your Word Perfect document I would save the centimorgan count/segment count as well as the Ancestry URL of the match. Embedded in the URL are the test numbers for your test and the match’s test. This was the number used when activating the DNA test. While the URL, the user name, and the matching tree can change it is very unlikely that this number will change. I save my Ancestry DNA information in an Excel spreadsheet (much as you do in Word Perfect) and having the URL of the match handy helps me link directly to the match without searching the match list.
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