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Re: Showing adoptive ancestry in reports and family trees


Not sure what, exactly, you are looking for, but click on Help, Select Search, Search for Adopt, List Topics and you will see a number of ways to work with adoptions.

The "preferred" option would be up to you.

I have an adoption where I selected the Adoptive Father as the preferred father so that other relationships show up the way I want to. In my case, the adopted child has a sibling from the Adoptive Father. I want both siblings to show up, as well as their children.


Re: Showing adoptive ancestry in reports and family trees


My thing is that I want to see all four of my parents at once - so that all my siblings, adoptive (5), half from my mother (2), half from my father (4), full (3), and step (too many) show up. The way the "preferred" setting is currently set up, I cannot do that. If I switch one of my natural parents to one of my adoptive, I lose the half-siblings and step from that parent. My tree is public and I would like for people to see both sets of families without having to know there is a 'second' family in order to do so. I would like for all my half siblings parents to show up as well - which if I am viewing myself, they do, which is why I believe that it wouldn't be that difficult to include both sets of parents in the tree. Yes, I can just make separate individual trees, but I didn't choose my adoption, and don't view my family as separate.


Re: FTM 2014 Index of individuals not sorting alphabetically

I compacted my file and all the surnnames fell back into alphabetical order. "Compact File" is under "Tools."

Re: Color column in the Index panel under the People tab

One person's bug is another person's feature. Unless of course one is confident the world revolves around their needs. For that I have no pithy advice.

All that said, given about 15 seconds of experimenting I've discovered I can make the Color column go away by resizing it.

Media tab disappeared

I updated the other day and now the media tab is gone. I am referring to the one on the right panel and next to sources. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Re: Media tab disappeared

Is it possibly simply resized so narrow that it is not visible?

Look for a series of small dots at the right edge of your display. Hover your mouse there to see the instructions to click or drag to resize/reset.

Re: Media tab disappeared

Thanks for the suggestion. It was for the media window and I was referring to the facts screen. However, you did solve the problem for me. The solution was in the options dropdown. I had to reset what to show. Problem solved.

Re: Media tab disappeared

For those who may see this thread you were (are) in the Person" tab. Then in the Fact area on the right you clicked the Options and then "Display Fact Media"

Re: Are data files more efficiently sized (smaller) than older versions?

Thanks for replying!

I had just opened the old file the first time once 2017 was installed.

It might have talked about having to do an upgrade but I don’t remember

That file probably had only under 100 people and very little details other than how they all are related to each other. (no pictures, etc).

Now in 2017 I’m putting in more details & I am including pictures that I have. The pictures go into a separate folder not into the FTM File. So if I was to send something I have to make sure to include that folder. Does it sound right? The older versions kept the pictures in the file itself? makes it simpler to keep things together / less chance for broken links.

I did see the option to just have a link Back to the pictures original location. But if that picture ever gets moved then I got to go find the picture again so it’s duplicating pictures - the original and then the folder under the FTM file.

Sources FTM 2017

My source citations keep disappearing. I click new to add a source citation but the next time I view the individual the source citations are gone.

Problem with merging duplicates

I found that my spouse and I have a mutual ancestor. I merged them, thinking that it would be the same as when I merged a person who appeared twice in my own family. Now, however, her maternal grandfather's profile reads "10th cousin 2x removed" rather than "maternal grandfather of spouse." (And everyone else related to him has been similarly changed to make them a cousin of mine rather than a direct relative of hers.) Is there any way to change it so that it reads "maternal grandfather of spouse" again? Thank you for any help you are able to provide.

Re: Sources FTM 2017

I have this problem too at times. This is a pure guess, but it may be that the index is catching up with the data entry and doesn't quite complete the task before another task comes along to interrupt it. I find that if I slow down a bit the problem goes away, until the next time!


Re: Problem with merging duplicates

The only way to do so would be to make your husband the home person. But then all the relationships shared due to the "cousin/shared ancestor" thing would show his relation to that person not "xxxx of spouse."

That relationship cue is based on who the currently set home person is at the time. And it displays the closest relationship if more than one level/degree is possible. So it does appear to be working properly.

And for those that you share more than one route of relationship, to see the other ways (levels/degrees) you need to look in the relationship calculator and click on the drop down arrow to the right of the currently displayed relationship.

Example: A husband and wife turn out to be fifth cousins. If the wife is the current home person, looking at that shared fourth great grandfather the relationship cue is "4th great grandfather." (Remember based on current home person -- the wife.) In the relationship calculator, between the wife (current home person) and the 4th great grandfather the relationship shown is "4th great grandfather." Click on the drop down arrow and the next closest relationship shown is "4th great grandfather of husband." Of course that is when there is no other shared relationship ties involved.

I would recommend that if you are working on your husband's side, make him the home person during that work session. If you are working on your side, make yourself the home person during that work session. That way the relationship cue coordinates with how you are working/thinking. For the ancestors you share you'll have to decide between you or your husband or compromise and pick one of your shared children as the temporary home person if that is possible.

Family Tree Maker Descendant Report showing unmarried parents as married

I'm running a descendant report and the format looks good, but I have cousins who have children without being married. The fathers are in my family tree because they are connected to my cousin's kids.

There is no marriage event, yet, the text in the report says they are married. I can't be the only one that has noticed this, is there a way to resolve this?

Re: Maximum file size

My media folder alone is over 6 Gb. Thank goodness I have an i7 with 64 Gb of RAM and all SSD drives...smiles.

Find Missing Media Report Cleanup


The process works well. It scanned my media files (over 8000 of them) and reported 61 missing media files.

I searched for the missing files...it found 20 and I COPPIED them to replace them. Great.

Now I have 41 missing media files remaining. How do I delete those file references so I can clean up that report. Some of the file names do tell me where they might be referenced, and I can deal with them, but there are several Census files with no clue as to who where they were originally attached.

Any ideas of how to clean up those census files from my missing media report?


Re: Family Tree Maker Descendant Report showing unmarried parents as married

When you add a partnership, the relationship defaults to "spouse", which is why it's saying they were married. You just need to change their relationship to something else. Go to the People work-space, select either of the parents and go to the Person tab. Click the Relationships button, select their partner from the list, then in the right-hand panel change the Relationship drop-down to "Other" (or anything else apart from "spouse"). Then the word "married" should be replaced by "met" in the reports. [edit: if you add a marriage fact, even without a date, it will of course revert to showing "married" regardless of the relationship setting]

See this discussion for details of the opposite problem: https://www.ancestry.co.uk/boards/topics.software.famtreemak...

Re: Find Missing Media Report Cleanup

After you have processed all you can or wish to try, select the "clear all" button at the bottom of the Missing Media winow.

Re: Find Missing Media Report Cleanup

follow the links to the person and the fact citation. Open it and see if there is the option to redownload the image from ancestry. You might need to click through to the media tab. Not at my computer just now to check. Anyone else help?

FTM and AncestryDNA

Just received the Mackiev email promoting the reduced price on AncestryDNA.

I’m wondering if FTM can work with other testing companies — specifically FamilyTreeDNA. Ancestry only offers autosomal and I’m also interested in mtDNA and YDNA.

Further, if I go with FamilyTreeDNA, Can their results be imported into AncestryDNA’s database?
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