OK, I have downloaded the latest free upgrade to Mac version of FTM, and during a sync it is doing the same thing as the original poster said. It is hanging on the last item of "Analyzing 960 citation media items out of 961". Please note that these media items were all added to the online version of my family tree (at Ancestry.com), not in Family Tree Maker. I initiated a sync just because I wanted to download a backup copy to my tree. Now because FTM is half-baked, I risk ruining all the work I made online which is not backed up! Because when I hit "Cancel", the resulting pop-up box states: "You have requested that the active sync process be stopped. If you cancel it at this point, your local tree in Family Tree Maker, or the linked tree on Ancestry.com, or both, may become damaged. If either tree becomes damaged, you will need to unlink the trees and upload or download the corresponding tree again." But wait a second! If the Ancestry.com tree gets damaged, I can't get it back, because all the work I have done was on the online version of the tree. So you have given me no way out. There is no path to a graceful exit! Thanks a lot Family Tree Maker for putting out half-baked software that doesn't work and that puts our hard work at risk. This issue has obviously been part of the software for well over a year, and you haven't fixed it. Why did I pay you for Family Tree Maker software? So you can ruin my hours of work using the online version of my tree at Ancestry.com?