Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: Colour coding not correct after latest update

New update works for me, the way I see it. managed to get me with 8 colors. Your grandparents/ parents relationship is correct ?

Records from Ancestry not merging or adding records into FTM

Upgraded FTM yesterday and it no longer merges or adds records (have tried a London baptism record (1884) and a census return (1891)) from Ancestry into my tree . Previously parts of the date were going into the date field and part into the description field but now nothing. No family names are added such as a mother or father etc. Steve

Re: Colour coding not correct after latest update

Thanks Ross. That's exactly what I was referring to.


Re: Colour coding not correct after latest update

I believe that Ross has shown apples and oranges. His family result, and I think yours is to get a person and color them "all ancestors 4 colors". That is what gives your result. What you want, and the manual sample is, is to go back to your ancestors and give each main line a different color as in "all descendants". I was actually able to use all eight colors.

The :all "all ancestors' works by giving you a four color, your parents each a different 4 color etc. looks pretty.

Re: New second update to FTM 2017

Earlier I tried to merge a baptism record from Ancestry and despite getting a merge complete message nothing had happened. I have reported this to MacKiev. Now I find I cannot even manually add a person to the tree |(in this case a father). Have tried this three different ways and none work. Now the program has started crashing when trying to add to my tree. I should have learnt by now that when MacKiev do an update to give it a few months as they always have problems.

Re: New second update to FTM 2017

The way round it is to only merge a direct search result and not one that is referenced from a screen for someone else. So, if you search for the son/daughter and get their screen up, with the father's name either below theirs or listed as a suggestion to the right of the page, clicking on the father will fill the main screen with the father's details but it won't merge.

You have to back out of the search results completely and then search for the father from scratch so that his record comes up in the very first set of results. That record should then merge. You can check if it will merge by looking in the Search Results details panel bottom right in FTM. It wil either be correct, blank or show the non-updated results of someone else you searched for earlier.

There's probably a simple edit to the non-merging url that will work round this but I haven't found what it is yet.

Re: New second update to FTM 2017

Thanks for the suggestion but a name in a direct search does not work let alone someone who is referenced. Manually inputting a name direct into my tree does not work either - the program crashes! Awaiting a response from MacKiev.

Updating FTM 2014.1 with FTM 2017?

I have FTM 2014.1 and have purchased FTM 2017 - Do I just install FTM 2017 over 2014.1 or install FTM 2017 in a new folder and import my 2014.1 file to that folder using FTM 2017. Any insights are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Updating FTM 2014.1 with FTM 2017?

Ignore Hint Not Working

I updated to Build 1540, Version 2017 (, as suggested by the free update sent to me. After performing this update I have tried SEVERAL TIMES to IGNORE HINTS that are not applicable to my ancestors. It will not remove the record from the hint for the specific individuals. I exit out of Hints, go back to the PEOPLE area, and the hint is still attached to the individual. What is going on with this area, it worked PRIOR to this update.

Re: Records from Ancestry not merging or adding records into FTM

For the first time I tried Syncing the information from Ancestry to FTM (usually do the opposite). I reviewed the information that the Summary said it was going to Sync - IT FAILED MISERABLY. I added 6 facts from the Death Certificate for an individual using the Death Certificate as the Source. It only transferred over the Birth and Death information (not the cause of Death, Cemetery, Occupation, Residence), NOR was the SOURCE carried over into FTM.

FTM data file location

I have 3 FTM files and Tools - Options - Default directory for new tree files is configured to save the files and Media to a specific folder so I can easily do a backup of the file and all their associated media. However, one of the files and its media is not saved to that folder even though FTM shows that folder as the save location when the file is opened. I have looked in many places on the hard drive for the file and I can’t find it.

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem??

I can be reached at wwpearce@comcast.net

Re: FTM data file location

It is not a good idea to post your email address here, where it can be harvested. I recommend you edit your post to remove it or at least alter/disguise it.

If your *.ftm file is not in the default location (set by FTM) and not in the location you think you specified, then search your C drive (or any drive or group of drives) for the *.ftm file.

Re: Colour coding not correct after latest update

Even so...if my grandparents are each given a different colour, my parents should each have two colours and I should have four. Either that or my parents and I should have no colours at all. Giving me only the colour of my paternal grandfather's line is misleading and incorrect.

Web search won't work

Immediately after updating to the new version of FTM last week I was unable to get search results from web search on Family Search or Ancestry.. I only get a "zero results".
I then clicked on" learn more" but only get a blank page!

If I go to Ancestry and do the search I always get several results.

Re: Web search won't work

Can you post a screen shot of this "Zero Results" screen?

Re: Colour coding not correct after latest update

IF you give yourself "all ancestors, 4 colors", the system populates with colors as you describe. And the paternal male line is what you are coded as. Standard LDS.

BUT, if you give each grandparent a color from "all descendants" your parents will have different two colors each, and you will have fours colors. You can carry this back until you run out of colors.

Coloring only your grandparents. Scrolling through the index, people with the first two of your colors are paternal aunts, uncles, cousins. The second two, maternal of the same. With all four colors are you, siblings, nieces and nephews.

A YMMV pseudo-solution

I've been an FTM user for a long time since version 7 (circa 1999) and of ancestry.com since nearly its inception. Generally, I've been very happy with both. When FTM and ancestry.com initiated the TreeSync feature, I was overjoyed, and aside from a few bumps and oddities here and there, it was quite a charge--being able to make changes to my trees anywhere on any device and have the results synchronize *is* pretty amazing; I'm a database architect by trade, and two-way replication is A Big Deal.

I was crestfallen when FTM was sold to MacKiev, and quite cast down with TreeSync was discontinued; that being said, I hung with the software through the last couple of years as FamilySync was extracted via forceps and life-supported into being, ungainly creature as it initially was.

However, I never could get it to work reliably. At. All. Terribly frustrating. I'd start a sync on FTM, it'd churn away for hours, then either crash, hang up, never download media, or I'd get the dreaded "Program is not responding." Every now and then I could get it to (mostly) sync, but I'd ballpark that was about 2% of the time. Before the MacKiev switch, sync had always worked pretty well for me, so this sucked very large rocks.

Now, for years, since I have a fairly solid home network, being an I.T. guy and all, the datafiles and media for my FTM installation resided on my local NAS (network attached storage, basically a smallish computer whose sole mission in life is to have 4 to 8 big ol' disks chained together in a RAID array). For literally over a decade this worked *fine* with FTM. When I started having FamilySync issues, I was too close to the problem to approach it as I would any problem at work--eliminate variables until you find "the" problem.

Last week, I came to my senses and stripped everything down. My tree is not trivial; about 11.5K individuals and around 9GB counting media files. When I had the online and local trees relatively synchronized, I copied both the FTM datafile and the associated media folder from the NAS to one of my local workstations, a Dell notebook with 16GB RAM. This is the same little workstation that I had been having sync troubles with when the data was located on the NAS for over a year.

This time, I opened to *local* datafile which in turn used the *local* media folder.

I made a ton of changes on ancestry.com, and initiated a sync.

ZOT. The entire sync finished in about 2 minutes. My jaw dropped.

I did my usual "convert all surnames to uppercase" and synced back upstream. Boom, about 45 seconds.

This was about a week ago, and I have been merrily adding references, people, media, etc., drunk as a lord on the returned functionality. The only substantive change I made is to switch from networked storage (SSDs over a Gbps network at home which has worked fine for years) to local storage.

This is inconvenient, since it complicates my backup methodology (I have a backup routine that runs every night and backs up stuff on the NAS to the cloud, and now that the FTM stuff is on a local machine, I'll have to modify the way it backs up) but at least now everything is working--flawlessly, I might add; nary a failed sync since I went to local storage.

This shouldn't have fixed everything, but it did. I write this rather long-winded tale to (a) suggest a possible solution to my fellow FTM users who are or have contemplated egging the MacKiev offices, and (b) MacKiev developers who might understand what the hell is going on. I reiterate: the datafiles on networked storage worked great for years; only after the switch to FamilySync did things go wonky. My NAS I/O is roughly the same as a local 10K disk, so something has changed.

Hope this helps someone!


Re: A YMMV pseudo-solution

Thanks Richard.

Since we rarely see MacKiev folks here, I hope you have or will also share these details over on the MacKiev site - on Live Chat or whatever method floats your boat.

Re: Web search won't work

Never did that before. I have a picture on my phone. Can I send that to you?
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