Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: Married Cousins - Will Merging Cause Issues?

In general, you merge duplicate people because they are one and the same person. What do you hope to accomplish by merging two different people who are first cousins?

P.S. If you are trying to overcome some querkiness in how the Family Tree View in Ancestry looks, you are spitting into the wind. Ancestry can only do so much in a single view to show an unusual relationship.

Re: Married Cousins - Will Merging Cause Issues?

What are you trying to merge? Are you planning to merge trees, people, duplicate facts, or are you using Web Search and merge?

Re: FTM 2014.1 for dummies

A person's hint leaf should disappear when you have merged or ignored all the listed hints. The Ignore icon is to the right of the Merge icon. By mousing over a person's hint leaf, an abridged summary of the hints is shown, and by clicking on the link or the leaf will switch to the Web Search Workspace showing the hints. To ignore a hint, select the hint and then click on the Ignore icon. Ignored hints can be recovered by selecting a person, and then click on Search, and then click on View Ignored Records. After merging and/or ignoring a hint, the mouse-over summary will be updated.

Some hints that are "records" will also have media with a View button. In many cases, if you click on View you will switch to a different upper window where you can save the record to your online tree. After doing so, backout and use the lower two windows to merge the record to the appropriate person in your FTM tree.

For me, merging a record almost always involves editing/merging various facts in the designated person's profile, i.e. multiple name, birth, death and marriage facts. Marriage records are particularly cumbersome, because the name and sex and possibly birth date are added and need to be merged, but most of the time the marriage date/place info is not added and needs to be manually added twice.

Another peculiar thing about merging is that if you just merge the record in your FTM tree, obviously it is not added to your online tree, but it IS recorded as an accepted hint. That means if you want to add the record to your online tree, you won't find it in a hint or search. You will need to look at the accepted hints list to add it to your online tree.

Re: Looking for a less tedious way to replace source citation duplicates

I'm unaware of a method that allows you to select a number of citations and gang replace them with another citation.

Re: Family Tree Folders/Files Relocated for FTM 2014.1

My concern was when did the new path get created; and your first paragraph suggests the new media folder location came from the installation of FTM 2014.1, and not at the last computer shut-down, which makes sense. Presumably, everyone with FTM 2014.1 has the new path to the media folder et al. Assuming you have/had FTM 2014.1, did you notice the change in the path for the tree files?

Re: Family Tree Folders/Files Relocated for FTM 2014.1

I didn't adequately explain that my wife had been using FTM 2014.1 for about a month with no problems. Last night things went haywire for the first time. Since I use FTM 2012, and I don't pay any attention to what my wife is doing on her computer, the question I have is: were the tree files relocated to the new Software MacKiev path when she installed FTM 2014.1, and she experienced some unexplained program hiccup? Or, were the tree files located in the old path until last night, when a new path was created for the tree files?

Family Tree Folders/Files Relocated for FTM 2014.1

I just discovered that for FTM 2014.1, the family tree folders/files are no longer located in Documents > Family Tree Maker. Instead they are now in Documents > Software MacKiev > Family Tree Maker.

When my wife started up her FTM 2014.1, all she got was a New Tree screen. The select a tree panel was empty and browsing the Documents > Family Tree Maker folder showed no family tree folders/files. Terror set in because she thought she had lost all her trees. A windows search using a tree name without the file extension produced the new location.

This may only be true for those who have signed up for FTM 2017.

Re: How to add Half Siblings in 2014.1?

If you know who the other partner is, you can create a spouse for the common parent and connect the child to that relationship. If they were married, add the marriage fact. If you don't know who the other partner is, then you can still add a spouse with a name such as Miss (Mister) Unknown. Personally, I prefer having the child connected to two parents, even if one is unknown. You would connect the child using the options available in the Attach/Detach Person in the Person drop down menu.

Re: Family Tree maker on a different laptop

On my .jpg, the second and fourth trees are test trees, and were created about a week ago and have never experienced the joy of syncing. The other trees were all synced right up until we got the notice we couldn't anymore. At the start, all trees had the Export button instead of the Download button. The Download button appears after a GEDCOM is available to download. After selecting the Download button, a new test FTM tree is created; and after testing, I remove the test tree FTM files and the Export bottom is restored.

Re: Family Tree maker on a different laptop

For me, the "Download a Tree from Ancestry" produces a screen where the Download buttons are replaced with Export buttons; and when an Export button is selected, it starts the creation of a GEDCOM file. When done, the Export button is replaced with a Download button, and when selected, it creates a new tree without media. See the attached .jpg.

Re: Family Tree Maker Mac 3 issues

You probably will have better luck getting a reply if you re-post your message on the "Family Tree Maker Software (Mac)" board.

Re: How do I remove notes from a GEDCOM

You can toggle Person Notes, Fact Notes, and Source Notes to private and then make a GEDCOM and then toggle back.

P.S. Make sure when making a GEDCOM that the "Include Private Notes" checkbox is not checked.

Re: Using Person Notes

All of that is true, i.e. the data is the same regardless of the medium. However, the text in a Person Notes in not a formal source/citation, nor is a pdf, jpeg, txt, rtf, et al. sitting in the media folder, and also in a person's media gallery, and also added to several facts. It comes close, but no cigar. Point in fact: are all your federal census sources just a bunch of .jpg's? No. They are formal sources with citations and media.

The point I'm making is, if a story is just interesting, place it in Person Notes - it doesn't matter. However, if you have a story that provides evidence of a fact(s), it deserves a formal source and possibly citation, depending upon how you define the source. You do not need to add the story media to the source/citation, but it is generally a good idea. You also do not need to add the media to the person's media gallery.

Your personal knowledge can be sourced, as well as stories told to you by others, or written by someone else.

Re: Semicolon causing problem when using GEDCOM file in FTM

Well, it's not the best of ideas, but it can make a dent in the problem. As you encounter another missing semicolon, you can repeat the process.

Re: Using Person Notes

"I have begun transferring all my DOCX's and PDF's to my NOTES section"

I took that to mean you were eliminating the documents in the media folder once the text was added to the person notes - thus eliminating the document as a potential source. For me, it's more important to have a text document as a source , than it is to just have an interesting story. But that's just my opinion - to each his own.

Re: Using Person Notes

Jerry, what do you do when you have a text document, and you want to use it as a source? What do you do when you have more than one text document?

Re: Semicolon causing problem when using GEDCOM file in FTM

This is not a big help; but I found the "error" appears in the GEDCOM from Ancestry. Also, it appears in the description field of various facts, but not in the location/place field. You could re-run the GEDCOM and then use find and replace in the text editor.

P.S. Better yet, try find and replace in FTM using Find: "MarriedRelation", Replace: "Married; Relation"

Re: Adding a non-media source file

I agree. That's why if I'm going to truly have a text document, I usually use a .txt or .rtf file format.

Re: Adding a non-media source file

What I do for media is probably what pearceww is doing. For media that comes from sources other than Ancestry (FamilySearch, Fold3, various newspaper sites, historical/genealogical societies, libraries, my personal collection), I place the item in a folder somewhere in the collection of folders within the appropriate family folder on my desktop. The file name describes the media item, and if needed, the media is edited and then copied to the appropriate FTM family tree media folder(s). From there, I add it to the gallery in the FTM Media Workspace, and from there it can be added to a number of people, their facts, and any sources and or citations. There is only a single copy of the media item in the FTM media folder - as long as you have selected the do not copy this item to the media folder when you are adding the media to FTM.

The only difference between you and me is you are reversing the last two steps that I take. You add the media to the FTM Workspace from someplace on your computer, and then FTM copies it to the FTM media folder.

Re: Adding a non-media source file

Media is media, and not an FTM source per se. The FTM Media folder is where media is located. Some of the media are used as sources and others are not. You will need to create a custom source and add the document into the source.

P.S. Take a look at the source templates available.
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