Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: FTM not linked

The Ancestry link and sync system has been very patchy since the May "upgrade", and as well as frequent orange and red sync status, I've occasionally got a "not connected" error, so if your problem is intermittent, it could just be that.

To answer your second question, as far as I know there is no way to recreate the link between an FTM tree and an Ancestry tree, once you've unlinked them (apart from just restoring the FTM tree from a backup taken before it was unlinked, of course). The only way to create a link is either to upload from FTM to create a new Ancestry tree, or to download from Ancestry to a create a new FTM tree.

Re: FTM not linked

Best advice is to just await a day or two and see if Ancestry decides to talk to that computer.

Re: FTM not linked

I might be tempting fate by saying it, but ... I've had consistent "green" status every time I've used FTM over the last day or two, and no obvious errors using Ancestry, so maybe the problems with the May upgrade have been sorted out at long last! Here's hoping :-)

Unfortunately, and perhaps coincidentally, I've also acquired the annoying "Media: 1 not complete - process error" in FTM, so maybe there are still a few glitches :-(

Re: Ahnentafel report on Family Tree Maker 2017

I think there's a good chance you have a software problem, in which case you need to report it to MacKiev. However, I know of two ways you can cause this yourself.

The first way (and very unlikely) is to have a name fact with Davidson, Tenn. John Chubbuck. The second way is a title fact that has been misnamed Davidson, Tenn. Either way can be caused by an overzealous Find and Replace.

Re: Ahnentafel report on Family Tree Maker 2017

And I don't recognize them either. The images were supposed to be the first page of an Ahnentafel report. As David said, Ancestry is having problems. I'll try to replicate what I was trying to send.
Ancestors of Davidson,Tenn John Chubbuck IV [UNATTACHED]
Generation 1
1. Davidson, Tenn. John Chubbuck IV was born on 19 Apr blah blah blah. He married Davidson, Tenn. Jennett Riley on 01 May blah blah blah.

Was your problem either #A (the title) or #B (the text) or none of the above?

Re: Ahnentafel report on Family Tree Maker 2017

Re: Ahnentafel report on Family Tree Maker 2017

No .jpg.

Take a look at the .jpg I attached with this comment and see if the problem you have is either #1 or #2.

P.S. It looks like the Message Board is having problems with .jpg attachments. I'll try a different file type.

P.P.S. The first attachment is a .jpg, the second is a .png, and the third is a .bmp.

Re: Ahnentafel report on Family Tree Maker 2017

Could you please attach a screenshot showing a typical page.

Re: FTM 2017 - Place Hierarchy

As of yet, I have not jumped on the FTM 2017 band wagon, and so I don't know what changes have been made in the Places Workspace. That said, in previous versions of FTM, the Place Authority list was read-only, but was periodically updated. Also, from what I could tell, there were a number of rural places that did not have a unique 5-digit zip code. For example, there is a Shell Rock, Iowa and a Shell Rock Twp., Iowa in the Place Authority. The town has a zip code of 50670, and the farms in the township are rural delivery or have a P.O. Box in town, which I presume is a 5 + 4 zip code.

For me, it is more important to have an accurate place name show up in a report, than to have a place name that is included in the Place Authority. So like you, I use the Resolve Place Name to add a detail to a standard four part name, i.e., cemetery, town, county, state, USA. I also use it to add a township or precinct, or township/range numbers to a standard three part name. So, if the place is not recognized by the Place Authority, it appears in the list outside the list of names that are inside the USA. I can live with that.

Re: Person complete

In the Person Index, you can try using bookmarks. I'm using FTM 2012, and have found the bookmarks disappear from time to time, but maybe FTM 2017 will be more stable. Also, removing the bookmarks is a one person at a time action, and so I've abandoned bookmarks for temporarily marking people. Instead, I use a minus sign in front of the all caps last name (-SMITH). The minus sign (hyphen) is considered text and can be easily removed by using Find and Replace. For example, find -SMITH and replace with SMITH, or find -S and replace with S to restore all last names beginning with the letter "S".

Re: Isn't son of 2nd G-Grandfather 3rd Cousin???

Like I said, you are not disagreeing with the computed relationship, i.e. this person is the son or your 2nd great grandfather. You just don't want this lengthy name for the relationship. That being the case, there are three other relationship names that can describe this individual: he may be your great grandfather (which we are discounting), or he is your great grand uncle or said differently, 2nd great uncle. That's it, no other possibilities.

Assuming the Mac FTM version and the Windows FTM version are similar, go to the Relationship Calculator and make sure you are the person in the first window, and the son of your 2nd great grandfather is in the second window. Check the listed relationship in the third window. If it shows son of 2nd great grandfather, open the window and see what other relationships are available, and select one if applicable. If no other relationships are available, it sounds like the Mac version may have a Relationship Calculator problem that you should report to MacKiev.

Re: Isn't son of 2nd G-Grandfather 3rd Cousin???

It's my understanding that the OP is not disagreeing with the relationship, i.e. the person is the son of his 2nd great grandfather. He just wants a more concise name. It's been pointed out that the son of his 2nd great grandfather can also be called the OP's great grand uncle or his 2nd great uncle. I'm saying FTM 2017 may have given the OP a choice in relationship nomenclature, so check the Relationship Calculator for these other possible names.

Re: Isn't son of 2nd G-Grandfather 3rd Cousin???

I don't think so. I covered both his post and his comment as well as David's mention of great great uncle vs. your great grand uncle.

Re: Isn't son of 2nd G-Grandfather 3rd Cousin???

A number of years ago, the use of grand was consistent with father/mother, uncle/aunt. Thus your father's brother was your uncle; your grandfather's brother was your grand uncle; and your great grandfather's brother was your great grand uncle. FTM 2012 still follows this nomenclature.

However, a while back, Ancestry started using the more common nomenclature of great uncle/aunt instead of grand uncle/aunt, which then throws all the relationships off by one "great". It looks like FTM 2017 is following suit, and so the son of a 2nd great grandfather is now identified as a 2nd great uncle instead of a great grand uncle. Maybe FTM 2017 will give users an option to choose the nomenclature they prefer.

Regarding 1st, 2nd, 3rd cousins et al., 1st cousins have the same grand parents, 2nd cousins have the same great grand parents, 3rd cousins have the same 2nd great grand parents, and so on and so forth.

Re: Sources have been unlinked and replaced

I think I'd hold my fire for now. There's just too much going on in FTM and ACOM.

Re: Sources have been unlinked and replaced

If you are referring to "Fix of blank citations that appeared in FTM without links to people after syncing changes from AMT", I don't believe that is the problem delynch174 has.

If I understand delynch174 correctly, he doesn't have an FTM problem. He is experiencing an Ancestry quirk regarding editing Ancestry source/records in FTM. If you edit/change a sacrosanct Ancestry source/record such as "1880 United States Federal Census", it no longer is considered a source/record, but just a source. When syncing with Ancestry, Ancestry does not accept the changes to its source/record, and makes a new "1880 United States Federal Census" that is a source/record, and then moves all the citations from the edited/changed source to the new source/record. Upon sync completion, there will be two "1880 United States Federal Census" listed in FTM. The new source/record will have all the citations that are linked to people, and the old edited/changed source will have either no citations or citations that are not linked to people. I have this problem in FTM 2012.

Re: Sources have been unlinked and replaced

I'm running FTM 2012 (non MacKiev), and have had this problem a number of times. It's caused when you make changes in FTM to an "official" Ancestry source/record and then Sync. This changes the status from an "official" source/record to an "unofficial" source. It's like breaking the tamper indicating seal on a pill bottle. Ancestry thinks the citations no longer have a source/record, and so it makes a new one. Ancestry does not delete your changed source in FTM, but deems it as an "Other Source" (non record) in your Ancestry tree. I've changed a variety of "official" Ancestry source/records in FTM, such as removing or replacing Ancestry.com as the Author, or changed the Publisher location from Provo, UT, USA to Provo, Utah, USA, and have had the original source replaced with a new "official" source/record. Change the name of the source and that will guarantee you get a new "official" Ancestry source/record. However, if and when Ancestry replaces a changed source in FTM is unpredicable. Some changed sources are replaced right way, and others are not. Also if your FTM tree is not synced to your Ancestry tree, your changed source shouldn't get replaced.

In summary, Ancestry wants you to have "official" Ancestry source/records in your trees, and so it will replace an edited source/record with an "official" version. Because Ancestry.com is the author, publisher, and repository, various source related published reports will have Ancestry.com plastered all other the place. The good news is the Reference Note can be edited with impunity and most of the time you can set the repository as none - which is technically correct.

Re: Married Cousins - Will Merging Cause Issues?

Sounds like things are O.K. As I mentioned earlier, Ancestry/FTM may have difficulty showing this relationship without showing the same people twice. Did you add the letter "z" in front of Denis' first name to check?

Re: Married Cousins - Will Merging Cause Issues?

"Brendas great grandmother is also her great aunt!"

Reminds me of the song "I'm my own grandpa".

Re: Married Cousins - Will Merging Cause Issues?

You deliberately added Denis twice, or does Denis just happen to appear in your Family Tree view twice? One way to quickly tell if there are two Denis', is in Ancestry, take a Denis and add the letter "z" in front of his name. If the second Denis doesn't have the letter "z" in front of his first name, then indeed you have a duplicate and can be merged. If the second Denis has the letter "z", then he is the same person as the first Denis, and you cannot merge the single person. Also, if the person index in FTM shows two Denis', you should be able to merge. If you are still nervous, you can pick one Denis and manually add the relationships and facts the other Denis has, and then delete them from the other Denis, then check to see all is well, and then delete the other Denis.
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