Before you start looking for a lawyer I suggest you read Ancestry’s terms of service and MacKiev’s software license.
Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"
Re: Having problems backing up one of my trees to flashdrive with FTM 2012
I copied the backup file to the flash drive and it went well and fast. thanks again David.
ancestry using ftm2017
"Your Search returned zero good matches" still getting same message what is the point of paying for world wide and not being able to search using ftm any suggestions thanks
Re: ancestry using ftm2017
I suggest you read the existing thread on this topic.
Modified Descendant Report in FTM 2017
Is there a way to create a direct line Descendant Report that will include siblings of the direct ancestors, but each new generation begins with the next direct ancestor? I would like a report that has the same information as the Descendant Report that begins with my 4th GGF. It will list his info, his wife's info, and list their children. Then, the second generation starts with my 3rd GGF, lists his wife and children info. Then, the 3rd generation starts with my 2nd GGF, etc. This is sort of a blend of the Descendant Report and the Outline Descendant Report. Hope this makes sense. Thank you!
Re: Not Happy with Update to FTM 2017
Yes, I'm aware of that option, but, within those categories, there used to be a list of what sources were showing. Example, if you went into "Deaths" Find-A-Grave, etc. would be in another list on the left. Those are not there anymore.
Re: Not Happy with Update to FTM 2017
That is annoying but I haven't seen anything out there to work around it. With the speed that Mackiev works we may see a solution next year, or never.
Re: Modified Descendant Report in FTM 2017
Have you tried the Family Book Creator plug-in?
Re: Extract photo from ftm
I use an app called Fast Capture. I have been using it for a long time and have found it to be very useful. It is available just Google Fast Capture.
Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"
For those of you who already know of the workaround, happy searching. For those who are just learning of the workaround for Merging Records from ...
Having seen none online after making a private video for a cousin, I created an instructional video that is now on YouTube so everyone can see what the issue is and how to work around it. I have also included some search interface tips and my own "trick" I use so focused searches can be performed rather than just a broad search.
I don't know if my trick works with the other Ancestry international websites like .ca for Canada, but give it a try if your data subscription is to one of those websites.
Gone Researching
Having seen none online after making a private video for a cousin, I created an instructional video that is now on YouTube so everyone can see what the issue is and how to work around it. I have also included some search interface tips and my own "trick" I use so focused searches can be performed rather than just a broad search.
I don't know if my trick works with the other Ancestry international websites like .ca for Canada, but give it a try if your data subscription is to one of those websites.
Gone Researching
Re: Not Happy with Update to FTM 2017
I am sure MacKiev had you check that your computer had sufficient memory (2GB required but at least 4GB recommended) and that you did not have too many other programs running at the same time. Applications don't work well when they are starved for memory.
With your WebSearch issues is sounds like you are trying to focus your search on one database which the search interface in the WebSearch workspace does not do.
Having seen none online after making a private video for a cousin, I created an instructional video that is now on YouTube so everyone can see what the issue is and how to work around it. I have also included some search interface tips and my own "trick" I use so focused searches can be performed rather than just a broad search.
I don't know if my trick works with the other Ancestry international websites like .ca for Canada, but give it a try if your data subscription is to one of those websites by typing in that url.
Gone Researching
With your WebSearch issues is sounds like you are trying to focus your search on one database which the search interface in the WebSearch workspace does not do.
Having seen none online after making a private video for a cousin, I created an instructional video that is now on YouTube so everyone can see what the issue is and how to work around it. I have also included some search interface tips and my own "trick" I use so focused searches can be performed rather than just a broad search.
I don't know if my trick works with the other Ancestry international websites like .ca for Canada, but give it a try if your data subscription is to one of those websites by typing in that url.
Gone Researching
Re: ancestry using ftm2017
For those of you who already know of the workaround, happy searching. For those who are just learning of the workaround for Merging Records from ...
Having seen none online after making a private video for a cousin, I created an instructional video that is now on YouTube so everyone can see what the issue is and how to work around it. I have also included some search interface tips and my own "trick" I use so focused searches can be performed rather than just a broad search.
I don't know if my trick works with the other Ancestry international websites like .ca for Canada, but give it a try if your data subscription is to one of those websites by typing in that site's url.
Gone Researching
Having seen none online after making a private video for a cousin, I created an instructional video that is now on YouTube so everyone can see what the issue is and how to work around it. I have also included some search interface tips and my own "trick" I use so focused searches can be performed rather than just a broad search.
I don't know if my trick works with the other Ancestry international websites like .ca for Canada, but give it a try if your data subscription is to one of those websites by typing in that site's url.
Gone Researching
Moody-Perry Family tree
Mostly from North Carolina, but family is spread out everywhere, looking to make connections to family.
Looking for biological father
He was German and in Italy in early 1964, he was with my mother, a nurse at the time. He would have been born between 1925-1938, perhaps he may have been in a hospital in Italy, he could have been in Allied relief efforts. Any information about this time period would help.
Does the Family Group Sheet report have an option to enlarge photos?
FTM 2017. The Family Group Sheet report prints small, low resolution thumbnails. FTM 2012 used to print large photos with higher resolution instead of a thumbnail. There are two reports in FTM 2017 that have an option to choose thumbnail or photo but I don't see that option on the Family Group Sheet. The thumbnails make the report look bad. Is there a way to enlarge them?
Re: Extract photo from ftm
If you are having trouble finding the photo on your drive, open the photo in FTM. When it displays, you will see in the lower right corner the location (folder path) and the file name that was used when it was saved to FTM.
In Publish, Genealogical reports, how do I delete an ancestor report.?
In FTM 2017 I can go to Publish, Genealogical Reports, and generate an Ancestor Report for a specified individual. A most amazing report came out, which I saved and then printed so I could read through it. Found some errors and corrected them in my tree on Ancestry first, then synced Ancestry tree back to FTM 2017. Then tried to re-generate the same report for the same individual, but with the corrections included. But it will not let me delete the first report. I have read the “help” and tried everything else I can think of, but incorrect report is still there. It lets me generate that report for a different person but not the same person again. Can anyone help? Thank you.
Re: In Publish, Genealogical reports, how do I delete an ancestor report.?
In FTM Help go to Delete, Chart/Report.
It will tell you how to delete a report.
I have not tried this.
It will tell you how to delete a report.
I have not tried this.
Ancestry Login via FTM
All of a sudden, I cannot login to Ancestry via FTM. Worked fine yesterday. Connection to FamilySearch works okay.
I have tried two different computers with the same result. I can log into Ancestry from a web browser.
Any similar experiences out there?
I have tried two different computers with the same result. I can log into Ancestry from a web browser.
Any similar experiences out there?
Re: Ancestry Login via FTM
I walked away from the computer for three hours and all is well.