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Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

FTM web search was working fine until last week. Installing latest patch (no charge) solved this problem for me!! FTM seems to be working more smoothly.

Re: FTM Search Categories

Re: FTM Search Categories

Thanks for your help! It was frustrating not being able to see the Categories. Have a nice day!

Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

I struggled with this as well. After useless phone calls about my browser being at fault or Norton interfering, I tried syncing my file with my on-line Ancestry file. Worked perfectly. And guess what! I could now access data for anyone synced, but nobody newly entered.

Try this.....there is a patch available at MacKiev's site that they 'recommend'. I downloaded it and could immediately access records and continue working. My only disappointment since MacKiev taking over is that I have to do a lot more manual work to get data entered, significantly slowing down the process. Also, the images downloading do not always include the .jpg at the end of the name. The images usually appear when I add the extension manually.

Re: 5/13/18 Syncing issue

I had a similar experience. I finally fixed my tree so that it syncs again, but it takes some time and patience. When you sync, generate a report and save this to a PDF somewhere. You will need to manually check each of these people for errors and you may need to delete some people. In my tree, I noticed a few problems that may have been crashing the sync.

1) Every time I tried to sync, it was duplicating a two people in my tree. I ended up with 8 copies of the same person. Look at your sync report and see if any of those people are duplicated by checking their name in the index. Manually delete them.

2) Some people turned into hermaphrodites, meaning that they had two or more Sex facts, often opposites. To fix this, change one to male and the other to female and then Merge Duplicate Facts. Choose the correct gender. For some reason merging with both set to the same gender does not fix the problem.

3) Run Media->FInd Missing Media... I had a number that were not linked. I don't think this was really the problem, but it was one of the things that I did before my tree would sync again. Even after that, for some reason, every time I sync, it tries to upload 42 media items. I am not sure which ones those are, or why it keeps repeating it each time, but it doesn't stop the sync.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

Vertical pedigree Charts

Is there a way to select the people included in a chart? I thought i remembered being able to do it or was that in the previous version?
I'd like to print my tree but with the number of people who are direct ancestors it becomes very big.
Can i print my father's side and my mother's side separately and still have my name at the bottom?

Re: Vertical pedigree Charts

In the Publish Workspace on each chart and report that allows it, there is a "selected individuals" radio button in the Chart or Report Details pane. Selecting that will bring up the "Filter Individuals by Criteria" dialog. You can create filters to move people into the report or limit them. See the Program Help for how each option works. The key here is you can "stack criteria" one on another until you have just those you wish. Generally bring in the larger group, and filter out the ones you wish to exclude, ending up with what you want.

Re: FTM Search problem

Thank you, I'll try that next freeze.


Re: FTM Search problem


Thank you David,

Thank you for that info. Mind you it is getting a bit, too complicated for my computing knowledge. FTM has been reacting well for the past two days. I was a telegraphist in the Royal Canadian Signal Corp and we had no computers then. In other words my computer knowledge is limited.

Thank you for all your help.


Re: FTM Search problem

Hello Mr. Abernathy,

I have been using FTM since FTM 16 and I bought every new one that came out ever since. Never had problems since I bought this latest version.
I have a 1000GB HD 85% free and 20GB of DDR4-2400(12Mhz)The processor is an Intel Core i5-7500. I have tried this copy of FTM on 3 different computer and everyone of them freezes once in awhile when I am doing a search.

FTM Search problem

I was wondering if anyone has or had my problem. Quite often, when I am doing a search my computer will freeze solid. My only way out is by using Ctl-Alt-Delete. It is not my computer because I have tried FTM on three different computer, and it happens on all of them.
I have bothered the nice people at FTM so much, that I am scared to bother them anymore with my problems. I use Win 10 Pro with Edge. I think I'll switch to another browser to see if it is the same. Good searching


Re: FTM 2014 update

When I try to open it my copy of FTM 2014 simply closes down..


FTM will not sync photos to Ancestry

Re: FTM will not sync photos to Ancestry

Can you tell us more about what is happening, and perhaps someone has an idea? How large are the photos? Ancestry has a 15MB limit, per item.

Re: Vertical pedigree Charts

The Vertical Pedigree Chart does not have the select individuals to include option. My suggestion is to create a copy of your file. Open the copy and detach your father from yourself. You can now create a Vertical Pedigree Chart for mother’s side. You may have to detach the father from your mother. Reattach your father and detach your mother to create a chart for your father’s side.

Working with a copy of your file eliminates the possible of making a mistake and screwing up your file.

Re: FTM 2017 - download shared trees?

I am running into this same situation. How exactly to I tell my elderly cousin to download and export a copy for me? Along the same vein, their trees are huge and go off on different tangents than are applicable to me. Originally, I was a told I could split trees in FTM but I do not see that functionality listed in any of the guides. Have you come across this? How about lining a common person between two trees. I have many relatives that criss-cross between various trees.

Re: Working with my FTM tree & starting a new better one

How do you export a branch. I have found that my ancestors traveled in pods with 3-4 common family names splitting off and settling together. Then there are many, many (don't go there) common family members between the trees. I have tried to have separated trees, but with a common person link as I am still interested in that portion.

I was told in old FTM that you could reference/link a common person between trees so that you don't have the redundancy. Such as Fletchers and Stephens on my mother's side the of the family and Fletchers and Stephens on my father's side.

Some of these common names go from state to state and go back to the 1700's. Aint it interesting?

Re: Working with my FTM tree & starting a new better one

How do you export a branch. I have found that my ancestors traveled in pods with 3-4 common family names splitting off and settling together. Then there are many, many (don't go there) common family members between the trees. I have tried to have separated trees, but with a common person link as I am still interested in that portion.

I was told in old FTM that you could reference/link a common person between trees so that you don't have the redundancy. Such as Fletchers and Stephens on my mother's side the of the family and Fletchers and Stephens on my father's side.

Some of these common names go from state to state and go back to the 1700's. Aint it interesting?

Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

I'm getting the same problem, I think it started about a week ago, do we know if Software MacKiev are working on a fix?

It's a real pain at teh moment.

Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

What version have you got, mine's 2017( and says software says it's up to date?
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