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Re: FTM will not search

Re: FTM Search Categories

This may be a contributing factor, but a more pressing problem is that the ancestry search appears to go to an out-of-date web search page. I suspect it is pointed at an ancestry server which hasn't been updated - hence the missing database entries as well.

Re: FTM Search Categories

It's more likely to be the format of the data in the url as this is created by FTM and may be different to the format on the Ancestry site. There is also a maximum permitted length and anything in excess tends to get chopped. This has happened in the past.

I suspect that the main problem is that Ancestry's plans for the future of their servers and database format was predicated on not having to support synchronisation and FTM. MacKiev jumping in has scuppered that plan. And they may not have had a Plan B.

Something like that happened to a company that I worked for; they had a plan to replace everything in a 10 year timescale. This was just about achievable considering that the standards didn't exist, the software didn't exist, the hardware didn''t exist and that the other companies that we had to interwork with would not be supporting our methodology of information exchange. Our potential suppliers were working to those timescales and everything might have been ok. Then one of the suppliers, with no experience of our network nor of the UK said "3 years". The senior management jumped at this and forced the other vendors to agrree the same. Which they did. After two years the senior mangement saw the error of their ways, cancelled the project, paid a large sum of money to the chosen supplier, then slowly faded until they were taken over for a small sum, luckily after I'd left with my pension intact.

I fear that something similar may happen with Ancestry. Mackiev might bite the bullet and accept the loss by ceasing FTM development, Ancestry might cease synking again and the IPO might just work. I did not renew my subscription for the reason that I foresaw problems with the hurried development of APIs and FTM capability from a company with little experience of developoing Windows products.

But none of this is going to solve the problem so people may as well go away for while.

Re: FTM Search Categories

When starting a new search, turning off the Family Tree search option on the screen before launching the search works. Thank you for posting.

Place Name Syncing Problem – Be Careful

I mentioned in a previous post that I recently had a crash while syncing and thought I would update all of you about the status and what could be a larger potential problem.

The crash occurred when I attempted to sync after I had resolved 112 place names in FTM. I had synced the previous day without a problem. I made no other changes in my records except the place name corrections and then synced. I attempted several times but each time it crashed.

I reported this to the support staff via chat and they were unable to help me and referred it to the engineers. After no answer for 15 days I contacted them again via chat and they reported that the engineers replicated the problem themselves but have no solution. They didn’t explain further but told me to export my FTM database and upload it to a new tree.

This is problematic for one simple reason. I’m not convinced that during some of those place name changes were in fact made and others failed. Person records are also changed whenever place names are changed. Therefore, I do not know if my database is accurate any more or has some corrupt files in it.

Take aways from this experience:

1. You must followup with support yourself because they do not track your case or get back to you in a timely manner. Their typical answer is that it will take 2 -3 business days. I have had this experience more than once with them.
2. The sync problem may be due to the resolved place name sync or it might be due to something else. Without further explanation from the engineers it is impossible to say.
3. This version of FTM with its recent update is far from stable.
4. I don’t think that the sync process will ever be free from bugs or system crashes. It is just too complex.
5. I will never use the sync feature of this software again.

Re: FTM will not search

Hi Karen
I had the same problem, but you can get around it for now I have found, when you get that zero good matches, go to the EDIT button just below, the page opens up larger and at the bottom left there are 4 boxes all ticked if you un-tick the Family Trees one it should work again as mine has, but if you want to see any family trees un-tick the others and just tick family tree.
Best of luck , Carlo.

Re: FTM/Ancestry Search Issue

I have the same problem; started about end April/early May. It looks as if FTM is failing to transfer the search to Ancestry. No workaround so far.

Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

Thank you! I was having the same problem with my searches, but the update seems to have fixed it.

Re: Place Name Syncing Problem – Be Careful

I had a similar experience and now only change a few place names at a time. I have noticed that during the sync process, it seems to change everyone in the file that has that place name. So you may only change 12 place names but it can end up processing all the others in your file with that same place name. That is why I now only do a small amount at a time. I have reported this to Mackiev.

Re: FTM/Ancestry Search Issue

I am having the same issues. Looking at dumping FTM and using another software. It only started doing this a few days ago.

Is there going to be a fix for this issue?

Re: FTM/Ancestry Search Issue

As a work around many people are using an 'external' browser to search Ancestry and then pasting the search result URL into the FTM Web Search Address bar.
Latest problem I'm experiencing is a failure of the Categories view of the search results in FTM to show any category detail see image below.

Re: Place Name Syncing Problem – Be Careful

From my own experience, resolving place names only, I get the same sync error you described; albeit randomly. It will make some or most of the changes but something happens at the last step; if you try to sync again, FTM tries to upload all the changes anew; you end up with duplicate information for those places. Compacting the database first does nothing to fix this "glitch".

So, my only way to prevent all the duplication is to use Ancestry as my "main" tree and FTM as the "local" version. Once the sync error occurs there is no way to recover from it other than to redownload the tree from Ancestry. Have not tried this in reverse (re-upload the tree to Ancestry) so I don't know if this is the "best" way or not. It does eliminate the possibility of 100s of duplicate place information. And some of the changes were made properly so it's what I do. Open to other suggestions.

1) Does seem to happen more with more changes to places; greater than 100 increases the chances of failure. I've been able to duplicate error with less changes depending on what exactly I'm changing on the FTM side, so that's not a hard and fast rule.

2) Ignoring a Place Name will cause every instance of that name to be rewritten even though no change was made to the actual place name. That can be a lot of changes that FTM tries to rewrite on Ancestry side and increases the chance of a sync error.

3) If you open a new window to resolve all place names and for example move part of that place name to "Place Detail (historical name, address, church, cemetery, etc.)" that will increase the chance of sync error. Accepting a "suggested place name" before and after performing this operation, it seems to accept the change more often without a sync error. Not foolproof but seems to help. Also doing this directly from the list without opening the new window also seems to error less. BTW, I had previously assumed that doing this moved the Place Detail to "description" field but that's not the behavior. Just sets the accepted flag for that place (Ignore).

4) The bigger the tree the more chances for these errors to occur. My +/-500 person trees do not have these issues as much as my 25,000 person tree. Granted more potential changes but i can duplicate the error on just one "ignore" change on the big tree. Is it related to the number of "unresolved" places?

I will continue to use FTM to resolve place names; just the easiest way to make bulk changes. YMMV. Hopefully it gets fixed!!

have not been able to sync to Ancestry since I purchased FTM 2 weeks ago

I purchased FTM 2017 2 weeks ago and started inputting what I know. I only have 12 people. Every time I try to sync, I get the message "The process you started was not completed successfully" and then it asks me to send a sync report. I have done this at least a dozen times with no response. Then it has a place to "get assistance" but that page is not found. It does give me a link to "best practices" and "troubleshooting" but I've tried all the tips in both of these with the same results. VERY frustrating since this is the main reason I purchased FTM. Is there any way to talk to a real person on this?

Re: have not been able to sync to Ancestry since I purchased FTM 2 weeks ago

Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

I'm not so sure about this. I just installed FTM on May 10th and on a fresh install, the ancestry.com search is still coming up with 'no results'.

Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

I'm not so sure about this. I just installed FTM on May 10th and on a fresh install, the ancestry.com search is still coming up with 'no results'.

Re: Confused About Ancestry Member Trees

Unfortunately it isn't. One can be bothered by bad data in member tress and decide not to use them.

To "use" a tree can also have different meanings. I use member tress as research hints. I never, ever merge data from someone else's tree. I want to know exactly what goes into my tree and that it is as thoroughly documented as possible. I have seen others brag about their 80,000 member tress and that they add 100 people a day to it. I simply do not believe proper documentation is possible under those circumstances.

Re: FTM/Ancestry Search Issue

Don't do the search externally - just paste the address of the Ancestry search page into the address bar of FTM, while it is pointing at the Ancestry search (so you can still use the merge feature).

You will lose the automatic fill, but if your tree is also online just start typing the name into the First name box (don't jump to the surname box) and it will offer you a drop-down list from your online tree to choose from.

This solves the problem of missing categories, and of missing results.

Re: Confused About Ancestry Member Trees

I did not see a question in your post. I would say that Ancestry does not audit the trees that are input. In fact, I think there are disclaimers about not accepting the accuracy of the information without verification. Not everyone uses FTM (I do) so the don't catch errors. Probably alot of folks search, find something they think is right, and then copy it into their tree without verifying anything. I saw a set of parents with children being listed as being born after the mother's death; and being born over a span of ninety years. This obviously bad info was then copied into several other trees. Also I have gotten some good well sourced information. Just have to be patient and use the information as a research outline and check to see if you can verify it. Certainly there is enough bad information that it seems odd that people would use "Ancestry Family Trees" as if it was a legitimate source of accurate facts.

5/13/18 Syncing issue

Tech support is of not assistance. Syncing has not worked for a week. Even with green symbol, will not sync.

Tech says they are aware of the issue but do not fix it.

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