Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: FTM Search Categories

I am thoroughly disgusted with this software. I am experiencing the same problem which makes wading through a whole series of irrelevant hits a real nuisance.

Synching , at times, can also be a real problem with information and notes being replicated multiple times. Sometimes , I get an error saying that the tree couldn't be synched and they need my help by reporting what the problem is. The problem is their software. Ancestry.com left subscribers in the lurch by selling to this company.

I've cancelled my Ancestry.com subscription and will try to salvage what I can for write-ups by converting the pdf file into a Word Document which can be edited using Adobe Acrobat which is rather expensive software . Such a rotten way to end a hobby that once was a great source of satisfaction.

Re: FTM Search Categories

Have you verified that you are using the latest update to FTM 2017? There have been several reports of problems which were corrected by installing the last update.

The latest version is, for Windows.

Search problems response from MacKiev

A couple of weeks ago I sent in a problem searching for one particular person who had been mis-transcribed on the 1901 census. I found the person using Ancestry through a web browser, but through FTM I could not find them, even by changing the name to the transcribed name, so it looks like FTM is pointed to an out of date version of the Ancestry databases as well as an out of date version of the search page.

Today I received the following response from MacKiev...

"Our engineers have reproduced the issue, and, hopefully, it will be fixed in a future update. Sorry for the inconvenience caused, and thank you very much for pointing this out to us!"

I have responded to this message voicing my concern that reproducing the issue is not understanding it nor fixing it. I suggested that the future update needs to be a free bug-fix and not a paid-for update as the software is not fit for purpose as it stands. I said I would dump FTM rather than pay every time a major bug needs fixing, and I would ask for my money back if they didn't fix this version free of charge.

Please would everyone else having problems with the FTM search get in touch with MacKiev and voice your feelings.

By the way - if you are searching for data on Ancestry I suggest you should start by typing or pasting the URL of the Ancestry search page into the address bar on the web search page in FTM (while leaving it pointed at Ancestry in the left hand panel, so that the merge feature continues to work). That way you'll get to the most up-to-date version of the search page (and presumably the databases). I haven't mentioned this workaround to MacKiev as I didn't want to give them an excuse not to fix it and in any case it is rather a clunky solution, so if anyone gets told to do this by MacKiev it may mean they actually read this message board!


Re: FTM Search Categories

Hi Burgess - I am running that exact version and build and I am seeing lots of problems with searching. It is possible that it only relates to the UK version of the software since the search page points to the Ancestry.co.uk site rather than the .com site.

It is picking up an out of date search page, together with an out of date results page and as well as regularly losing the categories it also misses data which I know to be there (as I can see it when searching through a web browser), so is probably pointed at out of date databases. I have put a thread on this board showing the response from MacKiev - they have reproduced the problem but don't say what they are doing to understand it, fix it, or roll out the fix.

My workaround is to manually stick the URL for the Ancestry search page into the address bar on the web search page. Clunky since you then have to fill in the page yourself, but once filled in it gets all of the results, shows all of the categories, and you can use the "back to results" button again.


Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

The latest update does NOT fix these search problems - at least not if you are using the UK edition. I have the latest version and I am seeing missing data in searches, inability to get back to the results page using the "all results" button and loss of the categories on the search page.

Copying the main URL for the ancestry search page into the FTM web search page address bar sorts much of this out. You must leave it pointing to ancestry in the left hand panel or the merge feature will not work. You lose the automatic filling-in of the search page, but if you have an online tree it will give you options as you type in the name. It is a clunky solution but better than none.

I have reported these issues to MacKiev and they claim to have reproduced them and "hope" to fix them. They better hope pretty hard because if they don't fix them or they ask us to pay to have them fixed they are going to lose a lot of previously loyal customers.


Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

@chris_rickaby, thanks for reporting the issue to MacKiev. Although the web search feature is working correctly since I updated FTM, I have noticed since my last post here that the categories are indeed missing. That's a huge inconvenience. I'll contact MacKiev as well.

Re: Search problems response from MacKiev

I have been using FTM since the early DOS days when it came on a one single side 8 1/2 floppy. I have used almost all versions since. Each paid upgrade has had one if not more FREE "Patches".
Even the current version is a FREE patch from 23.0, so many if not most bugs are fixed for free. So if you are not running (480 on a 32 bit machine) then you need to contact Mackiev and get yours updated free of charge.

As for you suggested work around, it has been in use since the first release that we were able to search the web from within FTM.

This email list is hosted by Ancestry and NOT MacKiev, but they (MacKiev) do chime in at the Face Book User page and Innovations Page.


Re: Search problems response from MacKiev

"....a future update should be bug free...."

ummmm - sure - but find me 'one' piece of software where that is true.

I think their support is actually ok in this case. They took the time to try to recreate the issue, and even succeeded. They also actually responded to your report thanking you. Each is unusual with a software vendor.

They're trying. That's more than Ancestry did.

Re: FTM Search Categories

Thank you for posting this! Been trying to determine where this issue was for a few days. As you said, tried it and it works. I'm on FB, but agree with Arlene, thank you for posting here!

Re: Is There a Replacement for Family Tree Maker?

I use it almost every day and the sync works fine for me.

Re: FTM Search Categories

Re: Search problems response from MacKiev

Hi David,

Yes - I am using the latest release for Windows. Some of the search problems only occurred after loading this latest release.

I know you have always been able to put a URL in the search bar. The difference here is that clicking on Ancestry in the left hand panel should take you to the search page on Ancestry, but it doesn't take you to the latest page. Putting the URL for the search page in the address bar solves all of the various search problems viz. disappearing category menu, missing records and failing behaviour or the back to records button. Many people may not realise that they are getting an out-of-date page and therefore would not try putting the URL for the page they assume they are already seeing into the address bar.


Re: Search problems response from MacKiev

Vince. Er...don't quite know where you got that quote but it isn't in my post!

I am a software developer with thirty years experience so of course I don't expect there to be no bugs at all. However, this particular bug is serious, and appears to have happened as a result of MacKiev rewriting everything, and hence should be fixed in a free update rather than in a paid-for one. The general rule is that bug-fixes are issued free, and updates with new features are paid-for (unless you have a maintenance contract in place in which case all updates come under that). I would expect minor bugs to be rolled in with the paid updates, but a serious bug like this that impacts on the functionality of the program should be fixed, regardless of whether you buy an update - particularly as it is something that was working but appears to have been broken by MacKiev.

The support is OK but a little slow - it took them about two weeks to respond and all they have said is they have reproduced the issue. I sent them enough info to reproduce it in about twenty minutes at most!

I am worried that there is no mention of understanding the problem - I don't have access to the source or their staff but I think I have a pretty good handle on what is going on. They are picking up an out of date page. The answer to this may need a new DLL or executable to be issued, or it may need the config file changing, or it may need Ancestry to update a server somewhere or it may need a cache somewhere to be flushed. Some of these could be achieved quite quickly, while others would require a new build of the software with all of the testing and the various implications of the roll-out. I am not suggesting they are doing a bad job but just look at the number of people on this forum alone complaining about search problems....we need to keep the pressure on them to fix this properly.


Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"

Can confirm the Categories are indeed missing.
Which is where you find what nobody else can...

Re: FTM/Ancestry Search Issue

I have the update and I still have problems.

Re: FTM/Ancestry Search Issue

I to am having a search issue and have been for a few days now. If you click on the Green leaf it will take you to the suggested, but when you click on for more searches there is nothing on the person, when I know that there is. Now all the Green Leaf suggestions have gone away. When I have tried to sync to my online tree, it goes through all the motions of syncing and says it has but it does not do it. I am so flustered with the whole mess. I have been a Ancestry member for many years and so ready to chuck it all, you pay the high prices and getting far less. Not even able to get into my own web sites has really burned me.

Re: FTM/Ancestry Search Issue

Also having that search problem here. No records for anyone on my tree! Unchecking the "exact" made no difference. It just started this the other day.

Re: FTM Search Categories

I wonder if there is a new browser compatibility issue with the Ancestry & FamilySearch searches. FTM uses an old version of IE. Follow my experience below.

Having the same frustrating issues with Categories on the left-hand side not showing up in search results in FTM, this starting a few days ago. Don't know where the temporary "fix" originated but unselecting the Family Tree check box doesn't seem to last after more than one click-thru; categories & records disappear again. Issue doesn't occur when I search thru Ancestry in latest Firefox browser.

Another possible related issue In FTM's Ancestry search is occurring when using FamilySearch. If you click the "Blue Box" associated with FamilySearch you're taken to a list of possible matches (similar to the Green Leaf for Ancestry). Lately, if you click one of the possible matches from FamilySearch you're taken to a page that has the FamilySearch frame but never produces the info on the match in the shaded box; it's blank. If you right-click on the possible match instead and select "Open in new window", a new MS IE11 window opens with the warning: "Attention: This site does not support the current version of your web browser. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser". If you instead copy & then Post&Go the same address into the MS Edge browser, you get the full FamilySearch result like you're supposed to.

I hope MacKiev regularly checks this message board for bug reports. If someone knows a direct route to MacKiev & feels this boring anecdote is worthy enough, feel free to forward my theory. For me, due to multiple calls to credit cards & medical provider billing companies this week, I've had enough of dealing with customer service reps to contact MacKiev myself.

Running FTM

Re: FTM Search Categories

"FTM uses an old version of IE."

FTM uses the version of Internet Explorer that is provided by the Windows Operating System. For Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 this is IE11 which is the latest available. Like other programs it starts IE 11 with certain features disabled.

Why the FamilySearch people have done what they've done baffles me.

FTM will not search

I ask for a new search on the ancestry website and it always comes up "Your Search returned zero good matches", when I know that there should be many results as I have put the same information into a web browser and there are plenty of results. I have to keep syncing and uploading and downloading.
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