Re: Report on specific generation
In the future, you may want to try using a Person ID fact to facilitate filtering of individuals in your tree.I use a generational Person ID fact based upon my pedigree chart. For my ancestors, each...
View ArticleRe: Orange or Red Weather alerts for the past 10 days
As I mentioned, I've previously been syncing when orange and not had any apparent problems, but of course you'd do it at your own risk, and should always take a backup first in case it fails. Perhaps...
View ArticleRe: Families paid to name sons Grover Cleveland
This board is for the discussion of the use of Family Tree Maker software.Your question would be better placed on a board with some connection to the name or naming conventions.
View ArticleSyncing Blocked by
I started using Family Book Creator to write a book. I integrate my stories with the tree info it creates. I am using Ancestry as my master tree which i periodically sync to FTM. The problem has been...
View ArticleRe: Syncing Blocked by
If you look at other threads in this forum you'll see that this is a widely known issue, seemingly due to Ancestry carrying maintenance and/or upgrading their servers. This has affected Ancestry...
View ArticleRe: Report on specific generation
Thanks everyone. I think the kinship report sorted by kinship should do what I want. I like the idea of a fact index number, that would be a lot of work though.
View ArticleRe: Syncing Blocked by
After reading all of this negative commentary on the inability to “sync” to Ancestry com, I have a feeling that I have wasted nearly $100 on a product I cannot use since I bought it one week ago. It...
View ArticleTrusting Ancestry or any vendor to protect your genealogy - it's your...
I have used Ancestry and then FTM since its inception. I will never trust decades of research to a vendor or the Cloud! It is my responsibility to safeguard my work and my genealogy. I have 24 Trees....
View ArticleRe: Trusting Ancestry or any vendor to protect your genealogy - it's your...
RootsMagic Essentials permits the upload and download of your tree, including all media, as I did during the free 1939 Register weekend.It's a basic, sensible rule, to keep your data under your own...
View ArticleRe: Syncing Blocked by
This is a temporary issue due to Ancestry maintenance. It's nothing to do with a deficiency in FTM, which is perfectly capable of handling a tree of your size. My tree is only about 3,300 people,...
View ArticleFTM - MacKiev's announcement
Just in case anyone hasn't already seen it, here is the latest blog entry from SMK about the ongoing lack of FTM sync (, easily accessed from...
View ArticleRe: FTM - MacKiev's announcement
Just got an "Orange" and successfully synced a few hundred changes in both directions, at last. Hope this is a sign things will be improving soon!
View ArticleRe: FTM - MacKiev's announcement
Sync was just successful at 1:14 AM MDT on June 2, 2018. My online tree and desktop version are again together.
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
The workaround does not work. You may get some results if you remove three categories and leave Family Tree checked but they are irrelevant. They are are not sorted as before and any attempt to reduce...
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
Apart from the missing categories list, my UK-based search seems to work fine without any workaround, so it's obviously not affecting everyone the same way, which may be one reason why they haven't...
View ArticleRe: Orange or Red Weather alerts for the past 10 days
I now have Orange again - so - I have done a sync, after doing a backup. I checked the last person I was working on, and everything had been transferred. Trouble is, I altered around 100 people, so now...
View ArticleRe: Help with who to put in the family tree
You are part of the family. She is part of the family. We all have our wierd side, and all of us have family.So yes, all in.
View ArticleRe: Orange or Red Weather alerts for the past 10 days
It has been orange all morning.I have synced 10 trees after doing a full compact a couple time each.Each tree has synced without issues.
View ArticleNot Happy with Update to FTM 2017
Just putting a vent out there and wonder if I am alone. I am a long time user of FTM and have been doing genealogy for over 30 years. I always liked the speed and options in FTM, but see more issues in...
View ArticleRe: FTM 2017 Crashing???
Did you ever get a satisfactory resolution to this? When I open FTM it shows the home screen for about 2 seconds, and then crashes. I uninstalled, tried it in safe mode (it didn't work), tried...
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