Kind of a complicated question, so please bear with me. A few years back I started using FTM14 and, and merged records into the FTM tree on my PC. Until I realized that sharing this tree with family on required them to pay for a membership to see the citation source information and media.
Since probably 90% of the citations can also be found on for free, I now do all my work on FTM (now FTM17) on my PC, don't sync with, and changed all my previous citations to reference citations. I periodically upload this tree from my PC to to share it with other family members.
I discovered that when I do this, several of the citations show up in the "Ancestry Sources" list in my online tree, rather than the "Other Sources" list (see attachment "ams sources list.jpg"). When I look at that citation in FTM on my PC, the only difference between these citations and the ones that upload correctly is the "edit citation" dialog box has a "View Source Online" link at the bottom left corner (see ams census.jpg).
After searching for a solution online, it appears this link is the result of my having previously merged this record years ago from, even though I have changed everything in the record including the web address for the citation source. In fact, if I click the "View Source Online" link in FTM, it goes to the correct web page.
So it looks like there's some piece of data in the FTM database for these citations that "remembers" this citation originally was an citation. So my question is - Is there a way to change these citations to remove this "View Source Online" link or the data that's causing it to appear here, which in turn appears to fool into thinking it's an source when it's not?
It's not a big deal to me, but sharing it with other family members is confusing - when they click "view" on the citation, they have to click "view citation details" to get to the details which show the proper URL on familysearch.rog for the citation.
Thanks for listening to my long rant. Any help anyone can give on how to fix this is appreciated.