Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: Do photos sync from FTM 2017 from my Ancestry tree

There's one other relatively minor issue that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere. Ancestry has the facility to apply a "virtual crop" to an area of an image when adding a person's profile (see the first two screenshots), but this is ignored when syncing to FTM (as in the third screenshot), even though the full image itself is transferred. So if you've used a face from a larger family picture as a profile image, you get the whole picture on their profile icon in FTM, not just their face. Nothing is lost apart from this cropping position, but if you want to avoid this problem, you could explicitly crop the required area from the larger picture (using whatever image program you prefer - I use Picasa though this is now obsolete) then add this extra image to the person's gallery as their profile. Then in Ancestry you can "use full image" for the profile picture, and it will look the same in both systems.

Re: all facts showing up in individual reports

On the Individual Report, if you click the first icon at the top of the options panel (with description "Items to Include"), the resulting dialog box has an option "Include only preferred facts" which I think is ticked by default (see attached screenshot), so if you untick this and regenerate the report I'd expect you to see all the non-preferred facts as well.

But I'm a bit puzzled, as I'd thought the "Preferred" tag only applied to multiple alternative facts such as alternative names. I have people with multiple facts such as residences and they all show up, even if I create two identical facts, AND neither are flagged as "preferred" AND I leave the "Include only preferred facts" box ticked. Perhaps someone more familiar with FTM reports can help out and explain exactly how it works.

Re: The Irish language in Brisbane Australia ( Irish Gaelic ) Gaeilge .

Laudable but absolutely zero relevance to Family Tree Maker for which this board is intended. Another board such as Ireland, Australia or immigration is more appropriate.

Re: Web search won't work

I have the same problem with a blank results page showing up.
Also, If I go to Web Search, select Ancestry, and do search it appears to make no connection - certainly no search results.
Have tried logging in and out of Ancestry - makes no difference.
Hints search results results from Family Search work Ok.
Attach screen shot of "Blank Page"

Re: all facts showing up in individual reports

Thanks. That works.

Something weird: I don't remember entering any of the land records for this person as 'preferred.' And when I deleted it and reentered the information in another fact, the preferred tag automatically moved to another land record.


Web search won't work

Immediately after updating to the new version of FTM last week I was unable to get search results from web search on Family Search or Ancestry.. I only get a "zero results".
I then clicked on" learn more" but only get a blank page!

If I go to Ancestry and do the search I always get several results.

Re: Web search won't work

I have had that at a time or two, but if I waited a few seconds and the page was filled.

Find and Replace Keywords

Dear all,

some months ago I changed manually all unknown death dates to keyword "Deceased". No i realized that the use of "?" as Unknown would be better for my work.
What I tried now is to use the find and replace tool to change all facts "Deceased" to "?", but this won't work. There is no search result by Finding "Deceased".

Can anyone send me a hint, how to replace "keywords" in FTM 2017?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Find and Replace Keywords

You can create a Custom Report (under Person Reports) and filter in those with the word Deceased showing in the Death Date box.

Re: Find and Replace Keywords

What is it that makes the ? better than the word Deceased?

Re: Find and Replace Keywords

Dear all,

thanks for your reply! The renaming results in the way i use my reports.
Anyway, this might be interesting to know, how to rename "keywords" anyway.
If you try to find them using the "Find and Replace" feature, there is no hit!


Re: Find and Replace Keywords

I think that the problem is that you are trying to replace a word with the ?.
The ? is a wild card and can not be used be used as replacement.

Re: Find and Replace Keywords

There is not hit on a find, David, without having anything in the replace field.

I tested on a tree of mine that is no longer in use, putting "Deceased" in the death field, and not adding anything to the replace option.

I suspect the issue may be that the death field expects a date, rather than a word.

Re: Find and Replace Keywords

I suspect the same! Maybe they use some dummy substituation for these keywords, which may be available with some more information :-)

Re: Web search won't work

I came here to see if others were having the same issue. When I go into the Search, I notice that most of the slider bars are over to the far right "Exact". Move the sliders back and I still get nothing. "No results found" Very annoying.

Getting correct relationship for adoption with family

(1)Arthur has a daughter(2) Myrtle, who has a son(3) Tommy.
Tommy was adopted by Arthur, so he is both a son and a grandson.
How do I show this in FTM so that I don't lose a generation for descendants of Tommy?


Re: Need to hire someone to rebuild datatbase

I would be interested in doing that!!! I'm very good a database information and I know how to use Ancestry.com and FTM 2014 easily!! - Lindsay

Re: How to combine trees

if you have FTM 2014 then you download your ancestry.com tree into the program. Run clean up tools, "Find duplicates"; "Resolve place names"; "convert names". Then run backup.

then do the same thing for your 2nd tree.

Pick the Main tree and merge the trees together. Run the clean up tools then sync it back up to ancestry.com. Make sure you delete your old tree but back it up before deleting it

Re: Upgrade from FTM V5.0 to FTM2014

Make sure you have it all backed up, then upload the gedcom on ancestry.com, load ftm2014 and download the gedcom back into ftm2014. Works great! also upload pictures on ancestry.com web then sync it on your computer... pictures turn out better

Re: Soft key Family Tree program

My ftm 2014 works fine on windows 8
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