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Re: Word ‘met’ Instead of ‘married’

Yes I understand that. What I was meaning is if the report was opened in such as Word then you could replace it with any other you wanted. Thanks for the offer of the pdf I am sure that I will be able to sort it with the suggestions on this thread


Re: Word ‘met’ Instead of ‘married’

But, there is a problem with reports, they are using "Frames" and any editing will mess things up royally. I has been reported as a BUG and have been told that they MacKiev are working on it.

I would run an report now and try the editing that you suggested in doing, to see what happens.

Re: Word ‘met’ Instead of ‘married’

I did as you suggested and tried a report both in Rtf and Word. Both occasions I was able to’find and replace ok. In word the report would mean its page lay out would need altering but as they forward ok in Rtf then that’s no problem.

Regarding other suggestions put forward in this thread. The marriage facts lay out checks out ok.
I think that the word ‘met’ will/does only appear when no actual marriage date is added or not known anyway.

Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my question and good luck with your own research

Re: Word ‘met’ Instead of ‘married’

One final thought :- With the onset of ‘civil partnerships’ I suppose that ‘Met’ could then be changed to ‘civil partner’

Re: Word ‘met’ Instead of ‘married’

Here in the state of Washington, they are a marriage, with Party A and Party B, no Bride or Groom.

Re: Word ‘met’ Instead of ‘married’

Thanks for that you learn something every day

FTM sync fails.

Sometimes when a sync fails, it leaves leftovers in my database--duplicate facts, etc. Does anyone know an easy way to detect where these duplicates are without having to look at 30M records?

Re: FTM sync fails.

Under "Edit" there is a "find duplicate people", that is some help. Delete those with a score of 1000.

Re: FTM sync fails.

Don't automatically delete those duplicates. You could be deleting important data that is only attached to the one you delete. A safer method is to merge the duplicates.

Unable to login to Ancestry from FTM 2017

I am unable to to login to Ancestry from FTM 2017, I get this message "Username or password not recognized". I have recently changed my computer and am using Windows 7. It connected fine from my old computer, also on Windows 7 and also using AVG antivirus. Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?

Re: FTM sync fails.

When you sync, do you have the option on for viewing the sync log? I keep those logs, as a part of my research log. And, you view the log to see what is going to be saved, from either direction.

Re: FTM sync fails.

I would definitely NOT just delete or even merge any duplicates shown by FTM with a high score, even 1000, without checking them very carefully first.

Apart from the danger of losing citations when deleting duplicates, even merging isn't always appropriate because FTM's duplicate test is far from reliable in my experience. At the moment it's showing me four duplicate pairs with a score of 1000 in my tree, but not one of them is really a duplicate - they're eight quite distinct individuals (see screenshot). A common instance especially in the Victorian era with high infant mortality is where a child dies in infancy, and the parents give the same name to another child born a few years later, sometimes even two or three. Another example is where you know of the existence of some children and have entered them with estimated birth years, but you do not know their first names. FTM will often incorrectly show these as duplicates also, with a score of 1000.

I do occasionally use the FTM duplicate check, but purely as a cross check for review.

Re: FTM sync fails.

I run the Data Errors Report after every sync. This will pickup any duplicates of Individuals and Facts. I also check for any Missing Media after a sync failure.

Since last update

I noticed a couple of annoying things I presume since the last update. Anyone else had randomly jumping from one person to another. Normally to a parent of the person I was looking at, without me touching anything. Not earth shattering but a bit odd. Also I noticed on the search facility within FTM for Ancestry records, no longer getting the option to filter by type, eg Census, birth records and so on. Is this is a deliberate change or just a bug do people think/know?

Re: Since last update

Can't answer to the jumping observation. Not happening with me. What do you mean since the last update? That was many months ago. Update to 23.2 version was pulled after a few hours. The search problem in 23.1 has been long known. Search this board. Temporary and not full solution is to clear Family Trees option in the search panel.

Re: FTM Search Categories

hi I tried this and it does not work for me, I am using FTM2017. any other ideas please?

search selection

when I have search results and go into a category, FTM17 does not allow me to "edit search", I have to go back to first page each time. Anyone else have this problem, thanks Deb

pop ups

I am getting a huge amount of pop ups every time I do anything in search. the pop ups say: cannot continue. "The application is improperly formatted. contact the application vendor for assistance". I thought I would check here and see if others are having this problem before contacting Software MacKiev. thanks, attached is the details info from the pop up.

Re: pop ups

What version of Family Tree Maker are you using?

Re: pop ups

Same thing here. They're Microsoft Net Framework errors.

I had a live chat session with a Mackiev rep who said "This issue has been noted by our engineers and fixed in the coming update. For right now we can only wait but the release is supposed to happen very soon".

I said I hoped it would be soon as the forest of pop-up error messages was making searching in FTM next to impossible.
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