I've never heard that, and a search for "GDPR MacKiev FTM" doesn't find anything relevant as far as I can see. Could you give us a link to where you saw it? To be honest, I'd be suspicious of anything from a search unless it comes directly from Ancestry or SMK themselves. Whoever posted it may have inadvertently been given wrong information, or just misunderstood what they were told.
In any case, FTM2017 search still seems to be working for me (with the UK "version", and searching ancestry.co.uk). There are still some known issues, primarily the lack of a category list unless the "Family Search" option is unticked, but otherwise it's usable. The results are also a bit dubious sometimes, with many seemingly irrelevant matches, but that applies to searching and hints on the Ancestry site itself, so it's not an FTM problem.
When you say "will not allow search", what exactly do you mean? Is the Web Search workspace blank? Or does nothing happen when you click the Search button at the bottom of that workspace? Or do you get no results, or just inappropriate results? Perhaps you could post a screenshot of your failed search.