Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: Version 2014 -- how to make it easier to navigate??

Thank you David. Now I see that .. just didn't know about the ability to resize before, and am so grateful for a board like this & so many helpful people!
Thanks to all of you! =)

Re: Version 2014 -- how to make it easier to navigate??

I GOT IT!! Thank you SOOOO much Keith & Burgess! I'm finally looking at something I can work with! Played around for a few hours this a.m. and kept referring to your photos for help; though I still don't like it as well as 2005 screen view, I can adjust =)

I so thankful for your responses!

Re: Version 2014 -- how to make it easier to navigate??

keithnuttle (& Burgess)
YES! That is certainly what I'm looking for ... but I still am not sure how to 'get there'.
First, I noticed that in your view there's a 'Family' Tab. I don't seem to have one (only 'Tree' & 'Person'). As I said, I'm using v. 2014; would that be an issue?
Also, while I 'got' the mouse pulls at the side, I couldn't figure out what the one at the top did. Nothing seemed to change when I 'hovered' or 'pulled' there.
Here's as close as I got to your view, Keith. It's sure better than what I had, but would love to get it looking just like yours does. Any suggestions? I do so appreciate your help!!

Re: Version 2014 -- how to make it easier to navigate??

Thank you for your response, but the view shown below by Keith & Burgess was more what I had in mind, and works well for me. By 'Screen View' I only mean 'what I'm seeing on the screen' ... the 'interface', perhaps, or 'screen shot'. Anyway, thanks for your time & help!
Best Regards,

Version 2014 -- how to make it easier to navigate??

Is there ANY way to change the interface of FTM 2014 so that it shows the 'family view', as the 2005 version did? This version drives me crazy .. the screen view makes no sense to me at all! I know I'll have to adjust, but if anyone has any suggestions to make it look and/or act more like the 2005, PLEASE let me know!

NGS Quarterly Report of ANY Report with Names having LINKS to 'notes'

I would LOVE to have FTM (AND Ancestry.com, btw) add the option of reports in which the names become highlighted links to that persons 'Notes'. Having stored all my documentation in my NOTES section, any report I generate in which I choose to include notes, becomes terribly cumbersome.

When I make a webpage using PAF, by the way, this is basically how it's formatted, so it surely is possible. PAF uses a highlighted 'Notes' link under each name, rather tham making the name itself a link....either way works for me!

If I could find somewhere on the web to publish a .paf file, I'd just go ahead and do that, but I can't figure out how to do so.

Anyway...that's my BIG wish

Re: Family Tree Maker 2011

can twins identify ancestors?

DNA has led us to the family of John Chambers of Yorkshire England who came to PA before 1700. He had a grandson William b 1736 who had a twin who died early. However, William survived until 1760. Do we descend from this William? My earlies documented ancestor is John Chambers b 1760-1770 in PA. His son Robert fathered twins. One of these twins had a grand daughter who was the mother of twins. This lady has grand daughter who is the mother of twins.

Does this line of desc from the William of 1736 indicate that he is our ancestor. We know we are of this Chambers family; does this identify our connection?

The immigrant William, father of William b 1836, had a brother. Between them there are several male children. Do we need to research all of the possibles or does this line of twins indicate our direct ancestor?

Re: can twins identify ancestors?

You have posted on the board dedicated to the discussion of the use of the Family Tree Maker software program.

You have a better chance of a good discussion and/or advice on a board dedicated to DNA and/or the family surname.

File Importing with FTM 2017

I want to install FTM on my computer but only import my smaller trees for now to make sure it is working properly.

Installing the program will not automatically import all my files correct? I thought I had to manually import them when I installed the last version.

Re: File Importing with FTM 2017

I am assuming that you are installing a newer version than the one that these files were last used in.
It would help if you told us what versions the files are now in and what version is being installed on this machine?

Regardless of what versions are where, none of these files file will be converted to the newer version until you open then in the new version.

Just because the icon shown is the one of the new version, as it is now the default for that file type.

Re: File Importing with FTM 2017

The files are currently in FTM2014 and I am installing FTM2017.

I am still using FTM2010 for my large file but afraid to move it an updated Version because of the oversize and the media files not converting over properly.

Re: File Importing with FTM 2017

How large is large?

I have a 50,00 test file that I had no problems with going in to 2017.

2011 vs. 2014

I was very happy with 2011. Needed a new lap top...purchased an 8.1...found I needed to upgrade the FTM to 2014. It worked fine until January (from last Fall)...now have issues of phantom names (should be about 13, 800 names...but now with duplicates/triplecates there are 18,000+! Also the other issue of the program closing down occurred. Index is not staying in alphabetical order...

I'm afraid to add more data... No data seems to be put in jeopardy...YET.

I tried un-installing and re-installing the program...but all the problems exist...and the data there remained. I expected a clean slate that I could download the backup on....

Short of buying a new Version 7 computer ...how can I make 2011 work on 8.1 or fix the issue present with the 2014?

Thank you....

Re: FTM 2017 Crashing???

Mine just started crashing this week. Is there a solution yet?

family tree maker 2017 uk edition will not allow search through ancestry.co.uk

Can anyone help me here as I am getting no response from MacKeiv Technical support
My problem is as per the subject above.

After Trawling the net I found a post saying that MacKeiv has suspended search facilities for European customers due to GDRP and that you have to re-register with them.

I have re-registered on their privacy page and was acknowledged and informed a email would be sent. i am still waiting for the email and i still can not search

Can anyone advise if this information was correct

Re: family tree maker 2017 uk edition will not allow search through ancestry.co.uk

I've never heard that, and a search for "GDPR MacKiev FTM" doesn't find anything relevant as far as I can see. Could you give us a link to where you saw it? To be honest, I'd be suspicious of anything from a search unless it comes directly from Ancestry or SMK themselves. Whoever posted it may have inadvertently been given wrong information, or just misunderstood what they were told.

In any case, FTM2017 search still seems to be working for me (with the UK "version", and searching ancestry.co.uk). There are still some known issues, primarily the lack of a category list unless the "Family Search" option is unticked, but otherwise it's usable. The results are also a bit dubious sometimes, with many seemingly irrelevant matches, but that applies to searching and hints on the Ancestry site itself, so it's not an FTM problem.

When you say "will not allow search", what exactly do you mean? Is the Web Search workspace blank? Or does nothing happen when you click the Search button at the bottom of that workspace? Or do you get no results, or just inappropriate results? Perhaps you could post a screenshot of your failed search.

Re: FTM 2017 Crashing???

Have you done a "Compact file" with the "Back up and Perform extended analysis" checked?

Also so it helps if you were to tell us your system spec's?

synchronizing issues when weather report is on green!

I had a few changes - only a very small amount - to update my tree from ancestry to FTM. Usually the sync is very quick, even when I add a large completely new tree to FTM. However, today it has been over an hour and the 'synchronizing changes' window is still analyzing!!
Something is wrong.......but trying to find out what from the FTM online chat guy was pretty unhelpful as he just said 'it sometimes takes hours' Really?! It has never taken 'hours'.
I asked if I could cancel and sync it later - but no apparently!
Has anyone else been experiencing problems even when weather report shows green?
And has anyone else tried cancelling and then synching later?

Re: synchronizing issues when weather report is on green!

Use task manager to stop the process
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