Re: "Your Search returned zero good matches"
Have you read the facts at the Ancestry FB page?AncestryMay 11 at 3:28pm · Some users have recently been experiencing technical issues when using We’re currently undertaking a series of...
View ArticleRe: "Your Search returned zero good matches"
We've been on 23.1 Build 480 since it was released and we still have the issue.We also did a clean install of 23.0 and updated to 23.1 and it did not correct it, so it appears to be on the Ancestry side.
View ArticleYour Search returned zero good matches
I am consistently getting this message when I access web search for individuals. I have removed the exact status etc. This has only started recently. I am unable to fully use my membership.Help!!!!!!!!
View ArticleRe: "Your Search returned zero good matches"
I had applied the update before this happened. I stand by my point regarding customer service as I am unable to gain any insight into this issue from the vendor. We should not have to rely on other...
View ArticleRe: Your Search returned zero good matches
Known issue.See the current thread...
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
Had the same problem. Worked. However when I clicked on an search option - it told me I wasn' logged in. I am logged in - otherwise I couldn't have done the initial search!Also how can I change it to...
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
I have been following this thread since the start of it.I see the "Categories" every time I do a search at Ancestry from within FTM 23.1.0Can some one post a screen shot of where they are expecting to...
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
The 1st is when I start a search - no options to select the category I want.The 2nd is after I do "Edit Search" and deselect "Family Trees"Maybe it's another one of those things were some people have...
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
This is what I get every time I do a search (see attachment).This happens on all 3 of my machine, Win 10, Win 8.1 and Win 7
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
I, too, have been following this thread from the beginning. I also saw categories every time I checked, to verify, when there was a new comment in this thread.TODAY, I have no categories, unless I...
View ArticleFTM 2014-Multiple issues-BUG FIX?
I recently upgraded to FTM 2014 with the purchase of the CD from At the same time I changed to the WIndows 7 OS since XP will not be supported much longer. I had previously used the FTM...
View ArticleRe: FTM Search Categories
I get the Categories list if Family Trees is checked or not.Remember that FTM uses a built version of IE to do this searching.As for Chrome, I will not allow it to be installed on any of our machines.
View ArticleRe: FTM 2014-Multiple issues-BUG FIX?
When did you purchase this copy of 2014?FTM 2017 now has been out for almost if not over 2 years.With the new tree format at Ancestry, ONLY 2017 will give you those green leaves IF you do a sync of...
View ArticleRe: FTM 2014-Multiple issues-BUG FIX?
I see that now, but I just got a email notice about the posting?And it is dated today date.
View ArticleExporting into Word
I have FTM and I am trying to export into a Word document, so far without success. Is there a way of doing this? I have managed to save it as an ftm file extension but cannot open it.
View ArticleRe: Exporting into Word
You can generate the different reports and they in turn can be saved as RTF type of files which can be opened by MS Word.However there is a problem, the current version uses "Frames" and the files are...
View ArticleRe: FTM 2014-Multiple issues-BUG FIX?
Though the original post is old, it's showing that it was edited yesterday, which would be why you received the notification. I don't know what was changed - possibly it was just an accident, or even a...
View ArticleRe: Exporting into Word
From your description of the *.ftm extension, it sounds like you are trying to export your entire file.The Publish option will create many different reports. What exactly are you trying to export?
View ArticleRe: Exporting into Word
I normally save the report as 'Export to RTF'. After you have saved this to your computer you get the option to Open. When this opens in a popup box (in the Publish workspace) then Ctl + A to select...
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