Oh, woe, Burgess and Silver, you are both so right! I have often found "dumb/stupid/silly" relationships with my people too. And NOW I see the "display" is only temporary. It would have saved me some frustration if the "help" information had made that explicit, perhaps by adding the adjective, "temporarily." You would think. Thanks to both of you. I will have to remain dissatisfied. I'm not going to use the relationship calculator until a "permanent" display option is offered because I don't want the page to "permanently" display one of the D/S/S relationships (ditto the online tree, which until a few weeks ago may have found a D/S/S relationship, but at least gave the option not to display it). I know it's possible, even easy, to provide a display option, as I have had other genealogy software that did so. Thanks again. (grump)