You said: "So should I just do a mass "?" on all birthdates and deathdates that have nothing in them?"
I always put an estimated birth date in for everyone in my file. I use conventions like a person is the middle of their child bearing years at age 30, a string of children normally start with the mother in early 20's and won't normally go beyond her being 45, two years normal distance between siblings, etc. I wouldn't put a ? in the birth date field - that means unknown. That doesn't help in researching the person and won't be of any help in privatizing. FTM uses 120 years from the date of birth to publicize info - it can't use that if you have a ? in the birth field.
And I certainly wouldn't put ?'s in death fields for people born, say 1920ish and later. That could mean you would publicize info when some are living.
You said: "Will this fix the problem on privatization? Because some peoples names that have no birthdates or deathdates on them and that are living still show up. Or maybe I should just put a "?" in all missing deathdates only?
I would:
1) Estimate dates of birth for everyone in your file.
2) Put ?, dead, deceased or other acceptable terms into the death date field for all those born after 1893, but born before a date you want to use - ie 1903 or 1913.
If that will be a lot of work, I would suggest the simplest thing to do is to simply export all people born before, say 1913 (or 1923 or whatever) to a new file and just print what you want to print out of that file. I would put today'sdate in the name of that file so you know in the future that was an archive copy of your file. If the name of your file is Smith, maybe name this file: Living Smith 2013_0109.
To setup that filter at the export screen:
Selected individuals
Filter in
Vital Facts
Birth - Date - Is before - 01/01/1913
Leave alternative facts unchecked.
You might want to uncheck the export for media.