I downloaded my Ancestry tree into FTM 2012.
My Data Errors Report has now gone from 5 pages (FTM 2011), to 32 pages (FTM 2012).
Biggest issue is the error item "This individual's children sort order may be incorrect".
This is being caused by the inability of FTM 2012 to correctly handle dates of birth that are in Ancestry as (example) "Abt 1845".
In Ancestry - the dates are in correct order.
FTM 2011 has no such problem.
The exact same Gedcom imported into FTM 2011 handles the issue just fine : dates of birth that have "Abt" (About) - are still sorted in their correct date order.
FTM 2012 puts any person with a date of birth that contains the "Abt" out of order.
On the few I have looked at - it puts them at the end of the list.
If I correct FTM 2012 by applying the "Sort children by birth order" - it will fix the sort issue in FTM 2012 and no longer appear on the Data Errors Report.
I am going to have those dates all appear again on a Data Errors Report if I again choose to download my Ancestry tree.
The fact that FTM 2011 doesnt have the problem - and FTM 2012 does, suggests that it is a new issue with FTM 2012.
My Data Errors Report has now gone from 5 pages (FTM 2011), to 32 pages (FTM 2012).
Biggest issue is the error item "This individual's children sort order may be incorrect".
This is being caused by the inability of FTM 2012 to correctly handle dates of birth that are in Ancestry as (example) "Abt 1845".
In Ancestry - the dates are in correct order.
FTM 2011 has no such problem.
The exact same Gedcom imported into FTM 2011 handles the issue just fine : dates of birth that have "Abt" (About) - are still sorted in their correct date order.
FTM 2012 puts any person with a date of birth that contains the "Abt" out of order.
On the few I have looked at - it puts them at the end of the list.
If I correct FTM 2012 by applying the "Sort children by birth order" - it will fix the sort issue in FTM 2012 and no longer appear on the Data Errors Report.
I am going to have those dates all appear again on a Data Errors Report if I again choose to download my Ancestry tree.
The fact that FTM 2011 doesnt have the problem - and FTM 2012 does, suggests that it is a new issue with FTM 2012.