Channel: Family Tree Maker software - Family History & Genealogy Message Board
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Re: Cleanup data

Blank Family Group Sheets

Can you print blank Family Group Sheets and Ancestor Charts in FTM 2017? I may be missing something but I couldn't find a way.

Re: Blank Family Group Sheets

Re: Blank Family Group Sheets

You download them from Ancestry.

edit: snap...

Re: individual ID number during GEDCOM export

INDI numbers do not appear to stay the same. The FTM Mac versions can't even export in any any logical fashion! If you look at the resulting FTM Mac GEDCOM the results are neither in alphabetical order or by INDI number. With the current Windows version, the INDI numbers can change when you sync with Ancestry and again, the resulting numbers can be random. If you import a GEDCOM into FTM which has a missing INDI number, chances are that the INDI numbers will be reduced by one etc to compensate for this. From experience, family numbers change on import also.

If you decide after syncing your data to download a completely new copy of the tree from Ancestry (via FTM), this will also result in new INDI numbers. Downloading a GEDCOM from the 'settings' page on Ancestry usually results in a copy of the GEDCOM with the first synced INDI numbers. They will, however, be in the format @P1@ rather than @I1@. My root person changed from 1 to 151 when I downloaded a new copy of the tree via FTM 2017 for windows - no idea why it would do this.

Despite using the REFN tag for each person, this tag is not retained when syncing with Ancestry. It can be used when exporting from FTM though. When your file is open in FTM, choose options from the tools menu and click on the references tab. From there, select the option to use individual reference numbers. Software such as Family Historian can generate new INDI numbers by copying information from the individual reference numbers.

Re: individual ID number during GEDCOM export

You may find it useful to read the GEDCOM 5.5 "standard" to understand more about XREF:INDI and its use and why it changes

Hint: XREFs are simply pointers to information within a GEDCOM and "The xref_ID is formed by any arbitrary combination of characters from the pointer_char set.

The first character must be an alpha or a digit. The xref_ID is not retained in the receiving
system, and it may therefore be formed from any convenient combination of identifiers from the
sending system. No meaning is attributed by the receiver to any part of the xref_ID, other than its unique association with the associated record. "

Hope this helps....

Re: individual ID number during GEDCOM export

Was your message for Morag Hughson or me? I'm aware of the GEDCOM standard, and why INDI numbers can change on import, but I don't think it addresses why Ancestry continues to reassign numbers after initially assigning them. To me, it appears that the sync process is creating work when none is needed. Rootsmagic asks users during import if they would like to keep the previous assigned INDI numbers, which is a fair workaround.

As mentioned in my post above, I use the REFN tag i.e. 'User Reference Number' to give people in my GEDCOM file a unique reference number. FTM doesn't appear to accept RIN hence changing the tag to REFN. Should the INDI numbers change during importing/exporting/syncing etc, I can rely on the REFN tag when comparing GEDCOMs. GEDCOMs dowloaded from the Ancestry website strip out REFN tags meaning that I have to export GEDCOMs from FTM after syncing with the website. Maybe a custom tag could be used that would sync to the website for those wanting to download from Ancestry?

Whilst INDI numbers were never meant to be used as user defined reference numbers, some web based software incorrectly used (possibly still uses?) INDI numbers for this purpose. Joomla used to have a PhpGedView bridge (plus other plugins) that would link to individuals in PhpGedView by INDI number. Having viewed a few PhpGedView MySQL databases, I can confirm that PhpGedView uses the INDI number when keeping count of views. It could well be that people require the INDI numbers to remain the same to keep their external websites in sync.

The problem appears to be (1) some software incorrectly uses INDI numbers which (2) misinforms the average user that this number should be relied upon. Other than requesting users to stop using certain software, I'm not sure how else to help someone that requires Ancestry to export individuals in a certain order? Depending on how many individuals are present in the GEDCOM, it may be too time consuming to manually assign new unique numbers to match the INDI identifier from an earlier GEDCOM.

Re: FTM Search Categories

In defense of MacKiev: Just went to their site and the chat screen option was wonderful. Immediately helped by a tech who solved one of my problems, will go for more tomorrow.

Looking for Halls

Found my great great grandfather William Davis Hall married to Lou Netta Hon. Born July 14, 1878 Powell, ky. Do you have a branch or info on them? Thanks!

Re: Looking for Halls

Re: Cannot not merge info

Thanks for your help.

That asks for my log file, but will not accept it when entered. So..............I have sent an e-mail to FTM.

Thanks again for all your help.


Re: Cannot not merge info

error message
Ind4926 has a FACTREF(FACTN6M 1)thata out of order
error merrage
IND7943 has a in line (90980) with illegal WCHAR (9)

I'm working on the log part now.

Re: Cannot not merge info

Cannot not merge info

I am using FTM 16 on Windows XP. Today, I tried several times to merge info from the web to my file as I have done many times in the past. It gives me an error message that tells me to contact you and then shuts down the program.


two computers, one subscrption

For years, I have been able to open ancestry from two different computers using id and password. Now tonight am unable to log into second computer while using the first. Something change?

FTM 2017 - All Categories Not Active

I just noticed that when doing a Web Search (ancestry) from within FTM that the "All Categories" is greyed out. I was able to select individual categories in the past.

Does anyone know what happened.


Re: FTM 2017 - All Categories Not Active

It's a glitch that seems to have no solution from Mackiev. It's also been repeatedly suggested on these boards that a temporary solution is to unclick the member trees option on the search dialogue and the categories will display. Not all the functionality of those categories is available though.

Re: two computers, one subscrption

I just logged into Ancestry from my Window 7 and 10 machines. No problems with them bot logged in.

Re: FTM 2017 - All Categories Not Active

Re: two computers, one subscrption

photobuff -

You have posted on the board dedicated to the use of the Family Tree Maker software.

Is your question about using FTM on 2 computers, or are you asking about accessing your Ancestry online tree (not the same thing) on 2 computers?
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