The question mark signifies that FTM has not been asked to resolve the place and/or it hasn't been resolved.
To see what is going on, right click on one of these place names. You will see a right click menu. One of the choices is "resolve" this place name. Choose that and see the choices that FTM gives you to "resolve" and "standardize" the place name.
It is up to the user whether to resolve it or not. For example, if you have a place name that is historical, the PNA will not recognize it. Some people will leave it alone (ie Ignore it in resolving), some people will create two facts - one to show the modern name, traceable on a map, and another to show the historical name. Others will use something like "Hoboken, formerly Smithville, Ohio" - which will not resolve.
The PNA is just a tool that is basically a spell checker and primitive county finder of CURRENT place names.
I have many question marks in my list of Place Names and don't worry about them. I know I've looked at them as I entered them and chose to leave them as I entered for whatever reason. Many times it is because there are 6 cities/towns of a given name in a state and I don't now which of the 6 counties mine belongs to.
BTW, there is a choice to "resolve all place names". This is a tool where you can resolve a bunch of place names at one time. I suggest you use this tool sparingly, if at all. There are good chances you might resolve something that you want to take back and can't when you resolve a whole bunch at a time. I think it's better to do them one at a time and think about them as you are doing them.
To see what is going on, right click on one of these place names. You will see a right click menu. One of the choices is "resolve" this place name. Choose that and see the choices that FTM gives you to "resolve" and "standardize" the place name.
It is up to the user whether to resolve it or not. For example, if you have a place name that is historical, the PNA will not recognize it. Some people will leave it alone (ie Ignore it in resolving), some people will create two facts - one to show the modern name, traceable on a map, and another to show the historical name. Others will use something like "Hoboken, formerly Smithville, Ohio" - which will not resolve.
The PNA is just a tool that is basically a spell checker and primitive county finder of CURRENT place names.
I have many question marks in my list of Place Names and don't worry about them. I know I've looked at them as I entered them and chose to leave them as I entered for whatever reason. Many times it is because there are 6 cities/towns of a given name in a state and I don't now which of the 6 counties mine belongs to.
BTW, there is a choice to "resolve all place names". This is a tool where you can resolve a bunch of place names at one time. I suggest you use this tool sparingly, if at all. There are good chances you might resolve something that you want to take back and can't when you resolve a whole bunch at a time. I think it's better to do them one at a time and think about them as you are doing them.