To completely resolve your dilemma, you need a DNA analysis to prove your son is not the father even thought his name is on the birth certificate.
Until you have the results of those DNA test, I would add a family for each of the other males (People that liter are not fathers) that are thought to be involved in the baby making. ie two diferent males = two new families.
I think out of compassion for the children that the possible biological males should be recorded in your database. At some point in the future, the children may need that information and the related medical and genetic histories.
Until you have the results of those DNA test, I would add a family for each of the other males (People that liter are not fathers) that are thought to be involved in the baby making. ie two diferent males = two new families.
I think out of compassion for the children that the possible biological males should be recorded in your database. At some point in the future, the children may need that information and the related medical and genetic histories.