If the video showed the Family View, rather than Person View, you can access the notes of the focus person from the right hand panel. There are 5 icons in the right hand panel; facts, media, notes, web links and tasks. Clicking on the Notes icon will display the person, research and fact notes notes in that right hand panel.
On the right hand panel there are 2 icons: Person note icon and Research note icon. Clicking on one of those will bring up the notes for you to edit.
The fact notes can be accessed by editing the person using F3 to bring up an edit panel. It's not as full featured as editing the person from the Person pane but is certainly handy and you don't leave the Family View.
On the right hand panel there are 2 icons: Person note icon and Research note icon. Clicking on one of those will bring up the notes for you to edit.
The fact notes can be accessed by editing the person using F3 to bring up an edit panel. It's not as full featured as editing the person from the Person pane but is certainly handy and you don't leave the Family View.