First since you have used some "texting" terms I not 100% sure of what you are saying.
You stated "which is taking up the memory (8GB)", FTM is NOT a 64 bit program, so it can NOT use over 3 1/2 GB of RAM.
I do NOT have any databases at this with that many people, so I can not comment of that. Along with the number of people, one needs to post the number of items that are in the "Media". I have also seen reference to the different types of "sources" may in fact affect the speed of program.
You do not understand how databases work, the data is written as entered and not to some temporary file that can be saved later.
First since you have used some "texting" terms I not 100% sure of what you are saying.
You stated "which is taking up the memory (8GB)", FTM is NOT a 64 bit program, so it can NOT use over 3 1/2 GB of RAM.
I do NOT have any databases at this with that many people, so I can not comment of that. Along with the number of people, one needs to post the number of items that are in the "Media". I have also seen reference to the different types of "sources" may in fact affect the speed of program.
You do not understand how databases work, the data is written as entered and not to some temporary file that can be saved later.