You said: "I have a number of adopted people in a tree and when I display a chart like Extended Family, I can not find a way to include the relationship. The adoption item is set on the People/Person/Relationship."
No, the EFC will show the adopted person as a child to both sets of parents, if both sets of parents have a relationship to the "selected person". It does not display a "label" that this one is natural and that one is adopted.
That said, I caution you to be careful in labelling children as adopted or as steps in your file. This can have unintended consequences.
The normal "rule" in FTM is that an adopted or step child will be included in a descendant of EITHER the blood or adopted ancestor in a Descendant report or chart. But in ancestor reports, one side has to be selected over the other. This is a consequence of the PREFERRED PARENTS that you setup in the Relationship screen. If you designate the adoptive or step parents as the preferred parents, they will show in the ancestry of the adopted or step child.
I think most researchers might like to see adopted or steps showing in a family, but not want to be showing step-ancestors in an ancestry report - or generation after generation of step or adopted (non-blood) descendants in a descendant report.
I recommend that step-children never be setup as steps in FTM - and if they are, be sure the step-parents are NOT showing as preferred.
If a person is Adopted OUT of a family you are following, I would leave the BLOOD parents as the Preferred family. Since you are not following the adoptive parents, no harm - no foul in calling them adoptive parents.
Handling of persons ADOPTED IN to a family you are following is a different situation. In the past, I have used FTM's structure to put them as adopted into the family that I am following. However, my latest project for the past two years has been a surname study and I have seen where that is causing problems, because I have people sprinkled all through my list of descendants for this name as if they were descendants, when they are not. So, I am starting to put those adopted males with descendants into my file twice. I will setup a "dummy" person, clearly labelled "ADOPTED INTO SMITH FAMILY - See duplicate entry for separate line". I then will show that person as a "child" of a master parent called "Adopted-In Smith". The descendants of these males will carry the Smith name as their named changed, but they are, in essence, a completely separate Smith line. I am still struggling with how to handle females that are adopted-in, as their descendants will not carry either Smith blood or name.