I have FTM 2012 version
I only want to use the TreeSync feature as a backup of my AMT (Ancestry Member Tree), so this post is only with the experience of DOWNLOADING an Ancestry tree to FTM using the TreeSync feature.
1) I have already spoken to Support about FTM mis-sorting children birth date. Not a big issue - but if you include that criteria when running the Date Errors Report - I end up with a report of 28 pages, instead of 1.
2) Of more concern is that TreeSync is able to CHANGE correct data - and make it incorrect.
When I have a person in my AMT who only has one biological parent, when that is downloaded to FTM, the later married partner of that parent, becomes another biological parent.
So children with only one parent in my AMT, end up with two parents showing in FTM.
What is worse, is that the TreeSync feature then SYNCS the now incorrect information, back to my AMT from FMT.
I then end up with a child with two parents on my AMT, when that is absolutley not the case - thanks to TreeSync.
Unacceptable !!
TreeSync is taking correct information, and turning it into incorrect information. The notion that you should be able to start with a MASTER tree and sync it, just isnt right in this example.
I dont know if these "fixes" which were part of Update .452 are to blame, but I mention them here just in case:
a) Item 1 = "Improved handling of deleted relationships"
b) Item 1 = "Implied relationships are created on AMT now"
I know that there is a bug in FTM 2012 re the above two issues, because by downloading my AMT via the external Gedcom process to FTM 2011, then these problems do not arise.
So I for one will be not using FTM 2012 at all for now. I cant afford to allow it to be corrupting my online tree (any more than has already occurred). There are messages about people seeing other corruption issues (media).
UPDATE - 15 December 2011.
The product management team at Family Tree Maker have acknowledged the issue and are "working to address it".
UPDATE - 17 December 2011.
An email from Support: "Thank you for your error report. The problem has been reported to our developers and hopefully will be corrected in the near future."
I only want to use the TreeSync feature as a backup of my AMT (Ancestry Member Tree), so this post is only with the experience of DOWNLOADING an Ancestry tree to FTM using the TreeSync feature.
1) I have already spoken to Support about FTM mis-sorting children birth date. Not a big issue - but if you include that criteria when running the Date Errors Report - I end up with a report of 28 pages, instead of 1.
2) Of more concern is that TreeSync is able to CHANGE correct data - and make it incorrect.
When I have a person in my AMT who only has one biological parent, when that is downloaded to FTM, the later married partner of that parent, becomes another biological parent.
So children with only one parent in my AMT, end up with two parents showing in FTM.
What is worse, is that the TreeSync feature then SYNCS the now incorrect information, back to my AMT from FMT.
I then end up with a child with two parents on my AMT, when that is absolutley not the case - thanks to TreeSync.
Unacceptable !!
TreeSync is taking correct information, and turning it into incorrect information. The notion that you should be able to start with a MASTER tree and sync it, just isnt right in this example.
I dont know if these "fixes" which were part of Update .452 are to blame, but I mention them here just in case:
a) Item 1 = "Improved handling of deleted relationships"
b) Item 1 = "Implied relationships are created on AMT now"
I know that there is a bug in FTM 2012 re the above two issues, because by downloading my AMT via the external Gedcom process to FTM 2011, then these problems do not arise.
So I for one will be not using FTM 2012 at all for now. I cant afford to allow it to be corrupting my online tree (any more than has already occurred). There are messages about people seeing other corruption issues (media).
UPDATE - 15 December 2011.
The product management team at Family Tree Maker have acknowledged the issue and are "working to address it".
UPDATE - 17 December 2011.
An email from Support: "Thank you for your error report. The problem has been reported to our developers and hopefully will be corrected in the near future."