If I read between the lines correctly, I believe there is another issue here besides you transferring your FTM files to another computer. That issue is file backup.
I too run FTM 2012, and have multiple methods of backing up my FTM files. One of those methods is a 64GB flash drive with copies of the C: > Program Files(x86) > Family Tree Maker 2012 folder (645MB), and the C: > Documents > Family Tree Maker folder (8.48GB, and includes the media and family tree stuff). The F: > Family Tree Maker folder is updated approximately every month. One flash drive is at home and another off-site. If I want to put FTM 2012 on another computer, everything is ready to go. There are other off-computer backup methods, but I recommend you at least get a larger flash drive and backup your FTM files regularly. If you are already doing so, then ignore what I just said.
I too run FTM 2012, and have multiple methods of backing up my FTM files. One of those methods is a 64GB flash drive with copies of the C: > Program Files(x86) > Family Tree Maker 2012 folder (645MB), and the C: > Documents > Family Tree Maker folder (8.48GB, and includes the media and family tree stuff). The F: > Family Tree Maker folder is updated approximately every month. One flash drive is at home and another off-site. If I want to put FTM 2012 on another computer, everything is ready to go. There are other off-computer backup methods, but I recommend you at least get a larger flash drive and backup your FTM files regularly. If you are already doing so, then ignore what I just said.